Wednesday, November 16

When Is Enough, Enough?!

I find myself scratching my head in disgust over some of the most insanely inane acts of random stupidity. Or…are these acts calculated, political power moves? If the latter, these moves are even more horrendous in my book of life plays.

I have come to realize politics aren’t meant for the light-hearted or over-sensitive. I’m reminded over and over by political heavy hitters to “get legs” and man-up or rather woman-up.

I vacillate between the idea “hey, it’s just politics…” and “why do politics have to be this way?!” on almost a daily basis. What would it be like if we told the truth and dealt with the consequences as they came and the all mighty dollar or favor weren’t factors?

Can we even imagine what it would be like? Would it be boring…or maybe not? Either way, it’s a scenario that I find interesting to dream about.

Okay, I digress. I’m a relatively tough person having worked all my life, run a business for over 16 years and dealt with the good, bad and ugly clients (for the record: mostly good for any client out there reading this blog!).

I admit I haven’t fought in war or served in the military but I do come from a long line of tough cultural stock in that I am Armenian and one whose grandparents witnessed their immediate families slaughtered right before their eyes, yet survived to immigrate to the United States (legally too I might add!).

Not a pretty story of the past but a part of my life’s fabric and a huge influence on who I am and how I process ideas and events to this day.

Now with that backstory, I take you to my original point in writing this blog post in the first place. When Is Enough, Enough? When is a “thank you” okay instead of a gift? When is paying for a service enough without having to grease the provider with a massive tip (justified or not)? When is a sentiment like a thank you or get well card kept just that, a sentiment and not recast into political folly?

I was watching TV the day Gabby Gifford was shot in Tucson and her staffer was killed. Gabby is an incredible story of survival and comeback, her staffer a sad and tragic story of loss.

However, her astronaut husband Mark Kelly (who BTW left on a mission while she was still fighting for her life) ripped on Boehner for only sending a get well card and not visiting while in Houston. Maybe a biggey to Kelly, but I think this cheapens Kelly’s timely book launch, his name and his character.

Hey, Mark might be a great guy, but using the Team Gifford Kelly book tour to slam a person for not sending a big enough gift or saying “Get Well” loud enough is in my opinion simply ungracious and downright wrong.

What, not enough?

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