Yet there are still millions who beer-pong this impartial-flavored Kool-Aid by the bucket full and think they are still not being swayed. The articles and opinion pieces you see here at CDN are presented without veil or cloak. It’s news and information – from a conservative point of view.
So where do you go for the other side? Anywhere that says they are objective and here’s are some of the imbedded land mines to look for.
Our guinea pig for this lesson comes from an Associated Press article covering the Cain campaign in Tennessee. You can read it here in its entirety, but let’s take some excerpts.
The article draws you in with a quaint story about how Herman Cain overcame a technical snafu by entertaining the crowd with a stirring rendition of “Impossible Dream”, sans amplification. This was actually quite a risk (for the article, not Cain), since someone just might interpret this to mean that there is finally a candidate who can function without a teleprompter – this guy must actually believe what he’s talking about!
But rest easy, the attack... [read more]
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