I don't know why this struck me as so funny. Maybe it was the matter of fact way she just stepped on out there with her antisemitic rant? Maybe it was just the look on her face; I don't know?
I can't understand why she didn't throw in the sick pale skinned Honkeys, the Wetbacks, the drunk ass Irish, the nasty mouthed Brits, the dumb ass Pollocks, the stinking Blanket Asses, and them minnow sucking Slopeheads for good measure?
Here's one of the protesters Reason.tv spoke to at Occupy Wall Street in Los Angeles on October 12, 2011. She identifies herself as Patricia McAllister and as an employee of Los Angeles Unified School District.
"I think that the Zionist Jews, who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve, which is not run by the federal government... they need to be run out of this country," she said.
For the full coverage of this protest, please go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5sV-Io_gfL4.
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