Thursday, October 13

Simple Mexican Border Solution For GOP Candidates

This is the only plan that makes sense to me. In fact it makes so much sense that it will never come to pass. But if I was President, here is how I would solve the border problem.

Maybe, somehow this will reach the Republican candidates.

1. Build a fence and secure the border. In fact build two, with signs on the first one saying if you are caught in between, you will be shot – Don’t want any more illeagles.
2. Give every illegal one-month to sign up for a ten-year work visa. – Why not, they are here anyway?
3. Deport anyone who has a record for committing crimes. – We don’t need criminals.
4. At the end of the one-month period, deport anyone caught without the ten-year work visa. – If you didn’t sign up, you are hiding something.
5. At the end of ten years, grant the work visa people citizenship if they can pass the test given to immigrants who are trying to come here legally. – If you can keep your nose clean, pass the test, speak English, and show some American patriotism, you deserve to be here. Send the rest back.

I am for keeping the decent people who are just trying to provide for their families, and sending the bad ones back to Mexico. Keep the good ones, deport the bad ones and don't let anyone else cross the border.The fence would stop the influx of illegals and the drugs they are bringing in with them.

Besides all of that, this is way more humane than what we are doing now, because the people with the work visa could go home and visit friends and family anytime they wanted.


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