Friday, October 14

There's your problem right there... breast cancer

Milton R. Wolf is my favorite Doctor. He has had links on Drudge, Gateway Pundit, Jammie Wearing Fool, and several other major conservative blogs.

Besides all of that, he has had his blog on CBC for years and has sent us a ridiculous amount of traffic.

Ladies: Here is a chance to give him some love and love yourself at the same time by letting him help you become more aware of the dangers of breast cancer.

Click here to show him some love.

"I may not be the first doctor to oppose ObamaCare, but I am the first doctor from Barack Obama's own family to oppose ObamaCare"... Milton R. Wolf, M.D.
Most breast cancers are detected when they are small and curable. This is the tragic result of a patient who, despite having health insurance and financial means, opted to not get annual screening mammography and even refused care for over a year after discovering the growing nodule. Heartbreaking.

Ladies: Monthly breast self exam, annual doctor's exam, and annual screening mammography. And encourage your friends too. That might have made the difference here.

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