Tuesday, November 8

Eric Holder has to Go

After today's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee, I am convinced that Attorney General Eric Holder needs to resign or be fired.

Holder refused to offer an apology to the family of Brian Terry, a Border Patrol agent who was killed last December. Weapons that were part of the Fast and Furious operation were found at the scene of his death.

Instead, Holder said that he "regrets" what happened and that it is "not fair to assume" that mistakes in the operation "directly led" to Terry's death.

This kind of behavior is unbecoming of an Attorney General, or any high-level government official.

At no point during the investigation into Fast and Furious has Holder accepted any amount of responsibility for the failure of the operation.

That seems to be the theme of this administration. The President has created a culture of finding others to take the fall and not being accountable.

Holder and Obama forget that they are accountable to the American people.

Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA) on Fox News today called on the President to fire Holder and said that the Attorney General should be prosecuted for lying under oath. According to Rep. Broun, "no one is above the law, not even the Attorney General."

I agree. We need to hold our leaders to the same, or even higher, standards than we do ourselves. 
Unfortunately, this administration is only concerned with who gets the blame and not with solving the problems.

Fast and Furious is not going away. I expect the Republican candidate to use this next year during the campaign.

The failure of Eric Holder to properly administer his department is a great representation of the lack of leadership we have experienced over the past 34 months.

Eric Holder should be on his way out the door, followed closely by Barack Obama.

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