Monday, November 7

More Federal Spending Mismanagement on the Backs of US Taxpayers, NO THANK YOU GOP!

This quote pulled directly from a Fox story is frightening:

“And in the middle of a week chock-full of dire warnings about the direction of the committee and the consequences of failure, House Speaker John Boehner conceded that a final deal could include revenue increases, though ‘there clearly is a limit.” Oh, those eyes!

While I understand we are in a mess as a nation and compromise is required in most instances, I am also cognizant that the idea of tax hikes on all Americans when additional spending cuts and the reduction and / or elimination of redundant and corrupt Federal agencies isn’t fully considered by the current administration is absolutely wrong for both parties. And especially wrong for those in the GOP party like Boehner who allegedly adhere to conservative party principles.

U.S. taxpayers have been footing the bill for messed up banks tied to government cronyism since 2008, and I believe most are over it. A great example is Prop 103 in Colorado which went down in flames! Yeah for voters in Colorado!

The over $700 billion in government stimulus that we so desperately needed to keep unemployment from exceeding 8% didn’t work. And, adding more fuel to the fire, Obama is pushing GOP to now pass through another asinine “Jobs Bill” to further expand the public sector.

All Americans should be wary! This is no overarching economic stimulus plan. This is just more government spending and public sector growth dressed up in sheep’s clothing.

According to a USA Today story on the federal pay scale published just two years ago, federal employees making salaries of $100,000 or more jumped from 14% to 19% of civil servants during the recession’s first 18 months — and that’s before overtime pay and bonuses were counted. Federal workers are enjoying an extraordinary boom time — in pay and hiring — during a recession that has cost 7.3 million jobs in the private sector (i.e., where the real stimulus and economic growth comes from). Fast forward two years, and I think the looming recession has now cost us closer to 10 million jobs…ouch!

With so many currently out of work and rank #OWS protestors filling and defiling parks nationwide, it’s time for GOP to get on the offensive and let Americans know what the long-term consequences truly are if Obama is allowed to pass more bogus social justice stimulus legislation.

What most folks don’t get is that the GOP’s blocking of the third jobs bill matters. And, it isn’t about pandering to the 1% as Obama’s BFF SEIU would have you believe. It’s time GOP leadership let Americans know why there is more to this ideological battle than meets the eye and reenergize and set the Republican brand right as Peggy Noonan so eloquently shared in her recent Wall Street Journal column, Happy Days Aren’t Here Again.

Oh and hurry it up GOP (yeah you Establishment GOP and Tea Party conservatives) because I can already see the 2012 light at the end of the tunnel!

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