Friday, February 17

Here is a free lesson for Chrissy Matthews concerning women

Chris fantasizing that women will not vote for Rick Santorum shows how out of touch he is with reality.

Those crazy moonbats and feminazi that he hangs out with do not represent the women of our great country. Like a Plato cave dweller, he is simply not capable of understanding this simple truth.

When you look across America, most of the time it is the women that are the moral champions of their families. They are -- more often than not -- the ones who have the long talks or drag the kids to church, trying to instill some values before this old world gets hold of them.

Ninety percent of women do not approve of the floozy lifestyle that is pushed upon them by liberals in Hollywood, the commie hacks like Matthews and the crazy sluts on The View.

If they did sleep-around when they were young they now regret it, and are taking an active role in trying to prevent their daughters from making the same mistake. Most believe that the old "put the aspirin between the knees" might be a pretty good policy for the young ladies they are trying to raise.

That is why you are dead wrong Tingles.

Women will vote for Rick Santorum because most of them agree with his positions.

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