Wednesday, March 7

Rush Vs. Maher

Leftist Entertainment vs. Conservative Activism allows for Bill Maher to Sarah Palin names and get away with it while Rush Limbaugh calling Sandra Fluke names cannot because:

1) Maher is a comedian and thus has the shield of entertainment; the same Jon Stewart enjoys.  They could speak disparagingly of people who share different political views, provided someone laughs after they say it.  Criticizing Stewart or Maher would look unmerited and petty making the victim look like the attacker and the attacker look "cool".  

2) Maher is inconsequential.  This harkens again to his being a comedian.  Rush is more than a person with a view point.  He is a leader of sorts for conservatives.  Ask yourself, when something happens, how many conservatives wonder, "What does Rush think about this?!  Oh, I gotta hear HIS response!"  Compare to how many liberals wonder, "What's Maher's take on this issue?"  The numbers would be overwhelming in Rush's favor.  That is not to say Rush's viewership is greater, although it is.  Viewership is different than followers.  Many watch "Harry Potter", but few are actual wickens.  One watches for entertainment, the other for clarification.

Rush assumes responsibility and must be careful with wording as a leader in the conservative community.  Many listen to understand and clarify conservative think with today's issues.  Maher earned no such responsibility as he is but a fool.

Therefore, Rush, and all conservative talk shows, only need a laugh track to fall under the same protection.  A laugh track after talking points would invoke viewer response, "Wait, was he kidding?  It kind of makes sense and I agree!  Plus if people say the idea is idiotic or impractical, I could always claim it was a joke!  Wow, this stuff is entertaining!"

For conservatives to play on the same field as Leftists, all we need is an over the top tag line after each point... "Dios Mio!"

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