We watched the high tide of American disgust sweep across the communist-dominated Congress with grim satisfaction. Patriot groups across the nation immediately began consolidating conservative gains and planning for the next 2012 blowout. Yes, blow out. That’s what I said. I know I’m bucking most of the pundits by saying this.
All of the leftist Maobama propaganda machine can’t prop him up any longer. Despite all the fraudulent accounting practices, the illegal and patently unconstitutional acts of the present administration and its rubber-stamp sycophants of the DeMarxists in Congress, and the ever-compliant weasels of the Lame Stream Media, despite everything they can do and have done… they can’t make the sale to the American people.
So now we have the anointed one trying to repackage and sell the same worn out Marxist dogma that we’ve heard non-stop for sixty or more years. He’s having to sell it at rummage sale prices to an electorate that is now thoroughly familiar with him and his disastrous economic and foreign policy debacles.
Led by the lap dogs of the media, to which the administration is inextricably linked, all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t glue Obama together again. The American people, so often sold short and sold out by America’s political class, have had more than enough time to weigh Obama’s policies and reject the Marxist-Leninist world view espoused by him and his party. It’s high time we put these ideologues in the spotlight of truth and let the voice of Constitutional liberty and freedom be heard.
Yes, I think it’s quite possible that Barack Hussein Obama and his minions will get blown out in a landslide election in November. It’s becoming more apparent by the day. We won’t stop there. We won’t stop until we’ve rooted out the evil which has infiltrated the body politic of America. It’s open season on the enemies of freedom… on both sides of the aisle.
Join us in this historic effort.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2012
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