For years conservatives have been trying to make
government smaller and liberals have been trying to make it bigger.
Unfortunately, even when conservatives have been in charge, generally
government has gotten bigger, just not as fast. Typically we’ve spent more than
we’ve taken in and our national debt has continued to spiral out of control
under both types of government. What gives? Well one of the basic problems is
that our form of government requires compromise in order to work properly.
Usually neither party has a large enough majority in the house and senate and
control of the presidency so it cannot just pass any law it wants to without
help from the other party. Even when it can, the other party just comes into
power next and reverses everything it doesn’t like. Thus nothing can happen
without compromise. This should be apparent from the stalemate over increasing
the debt limit that started last year. Compromise was missing and nothing
happened. Of course compromise often prevents one side or the other from
getting its way, and as a result things, from our standpoint, continue to
spiral out of control.
Additionally, government is like a huge, heavy wheel
which has been turning for a long time. We can slow it down a little, speed it
up a little or change direction a little, but there is so much inertia, nothing
can happen quickly or we risk the wheel going out of control, running over
things and people and generally ruining the economy and the nation. It might
even break into pieces and not be recoverable. We seem to be in the midst of
this happening right now, witness the downgrading of our national credit rating
last year and the risk of it again happening this year.
So, if we don’t want to risk breaking the wheel, but
we’re tired of the direction we’re headed in, what can we do? Is there no hope
for reducing the size of government, reducing taxes and eliminating the
national debt on a permanent basis? There is hope, but it requires creative
thinking and a win-win compromise attitude. 80% of federal spending is in 4
areas, Social Security, Medicare/health, defense and welfare. These four areas
need reworking over the long term in order to reduce the size of government. We
also need to be careful about adding new programs of course. Below, I present
an idea in the area of welfare. We need people outside of government to come up
with new ideas which can appeal to both sides in all four of these areas.
What of the poor? Most conservatives are also
religious and God has told us that if we neglect the poor, we will pay for it
in the next life. The poor will always be with us and we must take care of
them. Conservatives typically donate a larger percentage of their incomes to
charity than liberals. Liberals seem to believe that it is better for the
government to take care of the poor, hence take from the rich and give to the
poor, redistribute income, socialism, whatever you care to label it. Government
has some responsibility in this area, so it may be partially all right, but it
wouldn’t be necessary if more people voluntarily gave and there was a better
way to distribute the funds than the way we do it now. What if churches and
community organizations with unpaid, volunteer workers took over care of the
poor? Or what if private “help the poor” organizations were encouraged to do
it, instead of the government agencies that handle it so inefficiently now.
Conservatives and liberals could both
contribute to these organizations and receive tax incentives for doing so.
Perhaps these incentives could be set up so a wealthy person could get a $1.5
million deduction for a $1 million contribution, or a tax credit of 50% of the
contribution. Governments could fill in the holes or move money between
organizations if local contributions were not enough. The helping would be done
at the community level, instead of the state/national level, where the organizations
would be able to detect fraud more easily and could help the poor find jobs.
The poor could be asked, where possible, to give back time and work to the
community organization or church or private company that was helping them, or
even to other people in need.
ideas could be gathered for all four areas of high cost. From an
engineering standpoint, if someone provided the specifications, like must
appeal to both parties, must not affect the people presently using the system,
must cost no more than X dollars, etc. engineers and others could solve for the
best system. This is of course oversimplified, but you get the idea.
Politicians don’t seem to have the capability and courage required to solve
these kinds of problems. If you have an idea for a compromise solution which
would reduce the level of government involvement in one of these four areas,
please Email it to me at,
or put it in a comment or post it yourself to this website. Maybe we can get
some of the politicians to listen to our ideas!
Elmer Grubbs
A semi-rational
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