Saturday, June 9

ACME Video Company ~ Coming Soon!

Get ready, the YouTube videos are coming!

Last week we were informed of MoveOn's super secret air assets that would be used to fly banners over Mitt Romney events, an ingenious plan in of itself.

Now, it's YouTube videos, because everyone knows YouTube can reach a much larger audience than the main stream media, notably Fox News.

What's next, who knows? We'll have to wait like everyone else for their next attempt to mold the political landscape. As I've said previously, they're starting to remind me of Wile E. Coyote (Super Genius) with their strategy of one wacky scheme after another. But, Wile never did get that Roadrunner...did he?

What's remarkable about this latest plea, is that it appears to be the first time MoveOn has admitted Obama is in trouble. An unexpected revelation from Van Jones and his minions!

Enjoy the latest from our liberal friends, compliments of an email blast: - - Read More

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