Monday, June 11

From Soup To Nuts.

Some of the most enduring images of the great depression of 1929-1939 are those of long lines of obviously beaten-down men in soup lines... hungry women and children with haunted eyes. Shantytowns sprang up all over the country, called Hoovervilles in mocking derision of the disastrous policies that engendered the crash and the even worse schemes which perpetuated the depression until 1939 and the advent of the Second World War.
Twenty five per cent unemployment... some eleven million three hundred thousand people lost their jobs, homes and farms, out of a pre-depression population of 120 million. Contrast that to today, with a population of over 312.8 million with some 27 million American workers no longer on the unemployment rolls. These folks didn't just fly to never-never land. They are the flotsam and jetsam of Barack Hussein Obama and his DeMarxists' living fantasies. It's that pesky hopey changey thing again.
Today, there are forty five million plus families dependent on food stamps in Barack Hussein Obama's 'Ameritopia' (thanks, Mark Levin). There are 15.7 million Americans officially out of work, despite all the DeMarxist spin to the contrary. In Barack Hussein Obama's America, one million one hundred thousand jobs were lost by women. So much for the Republicans' and Mitt Romney's supposed 'war on women'.
The true war is on all of America and, just like the depression, it was brought on by unsound monetary policies. The world's, and most specifically Europe's, economy was devastated after the First World War. It was U.S. money and U.S. know-how and determination that rescued Europe et al from the utter devastation that was World War Two, rather than leave them to the gentle ministrations of the Soviets and their slave states.
We cannot lift Europe from her own abject ignorance of viable economic policy. It has as much to do with the attitude of subservience that seems to be pervasive in so much of the continent. A relic of lingering feudalism, which we here in the United States rejected hundreds of years ago. They call it socialism now. We know it as communism light. It's antithetical to everything we believe here... at least the vast majority of us.
We've watched the DeMarxists attempt to destroy our republic with growing anger and resolve, which has translated itself to a nationwide movement dedicated to the removal of Barack Obama and all of his Marxists. It's becoming apparent to all but the most dedicated of the kool-aid crowd that Obama and the reds are in deep Kimchee. The tone around the Washville swamp is one of increasing desperation, as the Democrats assess the magnitude of the public's displeasure. Further, they cannot hide the dismay and confusion that's boiling out of the nation's capital these days.
It's not just Obama's crowd that's sweating it either... a look around at races across the nation will show that Tea Party candidates are winning, and winning big. The great RINO hunt of 2012 is well underway. All of the bought-and-paid-for votes of the Republican turncoats will be scrutinized, along with the Republican Party's limp-wristed and ineffectual leadership. There is much to be reconciled there as well. Americans deserve leadership responsive to the voters that they serve.
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2012

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