Obama To Take US Into A Proxy War with Russia?
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
Maybe its me. Maybe I'm just getting old. But it seems to me that the
current occupant of the Oval Office is trying to cussed hard to show his
"warrior" colors.
It seems every time we turn around these days there is another report on
how Obama is killing US enemies. There is something just plain unseemly
about all the media attention focused on the Commander-in-Chief's war
fighting activities.
OK. This ain't my first rodeo. I understand there is a political
campaign on and I also understand that the American people are loath to
swap horses in the middle of the stream -- especially if that stream
happens to be a war.
I further understand that Obama's campaign people are heavy-handed and
are playing to the lowest common denominator in their expected
electorate at the polls in November and, I suppose, the President
"making war" is the way they have chosen to impress that particular set
of American voters.
But, I must tell you, that for the remainder of us who pay the freight
(in treasure and blood) for the military adventures of the President, we
are anything but impressed!
Do not misunderstand me. I am all for eradicating America's enemies. I
am all for protecting the nation -- whatever it takes. But, you see, I
have a bit of a problem with the President interjecting American
military forces into a fight that is NOT OURS and aiding a people who
are our sworn enemy -- and will remain our sworn enemy -- even if we
assist them gain victory over their current dictator.
I have to ask: Where is the threat to the national security of the
United States if the Syrians beat themselves to a pulp? Also, where is
the threat to America's interests in Syria?
One of the oldest military tactics in the books is to sew discord
amongst your enemies and stand back and watch as they tear themselves to
pieces -- all the while reducing the threat to you.
I am beginning to think that my old antiquated ideas of waging war are
extremely out of step with the way the US wages war today. There's a
obvious problem, though. See, using the old tactics of warfare, the US
won its wars! Heck, we haven't actually WON a war since World War
Two! With that in mind, consider the lives and material we have spent
in waging useless wars on useless geography occupied by people who
insist on living as they did in the twelfth century.
And another thing: Does it bother anyone that all these recent wars
have been in Islamic countries while our Commander-in-Chief refuses to
work with the only country in that region of the world with a fondness
for America -- Israel? One has to ask -- what's going on here?
Many conservative writers have pointed to our President's obvious favor
toward Islamic regimes and his disfavor of Israel. One must wonder if
the President is a secret adherent to Islam himself. It's a legitimate
question. After all, his father was Islamic.
Consider all of the above and then consider this report from Debkafile:
"US President Barack Obama has ordered the US Navy and Air Force to
accelerate preparations for a limited air offensive against the Assad
regime and the imposition of no-fly zones over Syria, debkafile
reports. Their mission will be to knock out Assad’s central regime and
military command centers so as to shake regime stability and restrict
Syrian army and air force activity for subduing rebel action and
wreaking violence on civilian populations." SOURCE:
I have but one question: WHY?
So we know that Russia is sending attack helicopters to Assad, which
will, no doubt, be used against the Syrian rebels, and now, the US is
going to spread a no-fly zone over, at least, a part of Syria within
which those choppers will be shot down the moment they leave the ground.
We have known for months that Russia has troops on the ground in Syria
assisting Assad's military. And we SUSPECT the US has, uh, "advisers"
working with the rebels. One has only to consider recent press reports
from Syria in which the reporter(s) wonder how the rebels seem to have
suddenly become much more sophisticated in their battle tactics and war
fighting organization. And we haven't even mentioned the small arms the
US is making available to the rebels through mutual allies. (Of course,
the US denies this -- but of course!)
What we have in Syria is quickly shaping up to be an old fashioned
"proxy war" between the US and Russia just like in the "good ole days"
of the Cold War.
I would point out to the President that our enemies are knocking each
other off. I would respectfully inquire as to WHY we are intervening
when there is no advantage (at least none that is obvious) in it for the
Proxy wars are expensive -- and experience tells us they just do not
turn out well when played out on a public battlefield -- such as Syria.
Sorry. I just do not see an advantage for America to become involved in
the Syrian mess. (Yes, I DO understand that running Assad out of Syria
would be akin to a slap in the face to Iran. But -- will it be worth
the cost to America? I am far from convinced that is will be.)
Look. The US military is tired. We need to rebuild and rearm
for the next war, which is just around the corner. I refer, of course,
to the coming war with Iran. You can be certain war with Iran IS in the
offing. If the US or Israel does not begin the hostilities, rest
assured, Iran will.
Forgive the ramblings of a puzzled man here, but, I don't see it. It
has become ever more clear as each day passes that the Obama regime has
no interest in stopping Iran's nuclear ambition. NONE. Oh, they make
all the right noises, and subtle threats, but I am convinced -- it is
all hyperbole. Nothing to it. If Iran is attacked -- that attack will
have to come from Israel.
Having said the above, I must wonder if creating more trouble on
Israel's northern border is also another tactic of the Obama regime to
increase pressure on Israel (at home) in an effort to divert Israel's
attention away from an attack on Iran's nuclear facilities?
I am satisfied that our illustrious President is already preparing for
Americans to learn to live with a nuclear armed Iran much as we do with
North Korea.
There are two problems that I see with that format: First -- the
Persians are not Koreans. Two -- The Persians ARE Islamic. So far as
I know, the North Koreans have no religious dictate that they must
conquer the world for their religion. On the other hand, the
Iranians/Persians DO! Did the President's minions miss this crucial
fact, somehow? I mean, this is HUGE. But then, the Obama machine will
never be accused of being a well-oiled functioning foreign policy
contraption. It just seems to lurch from one crisis to another, never
quite taking care of the former crisis along the way. Pitiful, really.
Whatever Obama's motives for entering the Syrian conflict we can only be
sure of one thing. There is something Obama believes can be gained for
him, for his campaign, and/or for the socialist agenda, which he now
leads in America today. Its all about Obama. One must never forget
that. That is the thread of commonality that runs through everything
coming out of the White House these days. If those of us who daily try
to figure out the "ways of Obama" ever lose our tenuous grasp on that
tiny little thread we'll need a compass AND a sextant to find our way
through that labyrinth!
When one surveys the vast landscape of wreckage left in the wake of the
first term of Obama, one must truly hope the next president will be a
grown-up and will bring with him a cadre of adults capable of actually
handling their duties. America has had enough of "political hacks"
holding down important and powerful positions in the nation's
Oh, and may I add one thought: Isn't it about time we had some actual
WARRIORS in charge of the US military instead of brass-button
politicians? The blood of our fighting men and women is just too
precious to be wasted on the alter of politics. Something for Mr.
Romney to think about.
J. D. Longstreet
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