Friday, June 29


I'm stunned Obamacare passed.

Conservative columnist Charles Krauthammer says the turncoat Chief Justice John Roberts,  basically put it in our laps to elect Romney and a conservative congress if we don't like it.

My question for the President is simple.

My sister makes minimum wage.  She is older than 26 and less than 65.  She can't be shielded from our retired parents nor qualify for medicare.  She hasn't a child from a nameless baby daddy nor is an immigrant so she doesn't qualify for medicaid.  She can barely support herself and thus skips health insurance to pay the rent first.

We can agree, when she does get sick, without preventative care, her last minute emergency room visit will be expensive.  Americans can't throw her into the street, so they care for her.  Her expenses are spread among those that do pay.  My cousin once hurt his ankle in a softball game and went to the E.R.  His insurance paid $26 for a bag of ice.  It wasn't made from magic unicorn dust, rather it was "padded" with costs spent on unfortunate people like my sister.

Colombia has great health care.  They don't throw you out in the street if you don't have health insurance, they push you into the halls and maybe… if the doctor isn't too busy and the machine for the procedure is already on and running... will attend to you.  Cruel.  But the only way a 3rd world country has great health care.
Colombia's healthcare is much like their game play.
So now with ObamaCare my sister will be forced to pay a tax, or whatever they want to call it, from $400-600 now and up to $2000 later.  If she couldn't afford $1 insurance, she still can't afford $2000 insurance.  She'll be more poor… and still without insurance if she takes the penalty.

Rachel Maddow last night argued, RomneyCare had millions of government money telling Massachusetts citizens that RomneyCare is great.  That's how RomneyCare got the "successful" 66% approval rating.  I assume her solution for ObamaCare to get a "success" of a slight majority is for Obama to outspend the $250 billion of negative GOP advertising.  (Maddow's arguments are always the childish "Well, he did it too!" Obmama spends too much?  Well Reagan spent too much!  And so on.  As Mama Gump would tell little Forrest, you can't justify bad behavior by saying someone else did it first and got away with it.
If Rachel Maddow had her for a mom MSNBC would have an open time slot.
Back to ObamaCare. Perhaps my sister could find insurance from the government pool for $400-2000.  She still would be forced to spend the same amount of money and be more poor, but at least with insurance so my cousin will stop paying $26 for a bad of non-magical unicorn dust ice.

Back to common sense.  The reason 1/3 of Massachusetts doesn't like RomneyCare is that the cheaper stuff they are forced to buy doesn't cover anything.  I once had dental that only covered 2 cleanings a year.  No cavities, procedures or anything else.  It was fiscally smarter to forego insurance and pay for 1 cleaning a year out of pocket and floss more.

So there it is.  My sister WILL get insurance so Obama WILL tout 99% of America is covered by health insurance with Maddow's help of course… free of charge.  Like RomneyCare, ObamaCare will have impressive numbers to sell "success" so politicians can pat each other on the back.

But also my sister WILL be poorer.  And in the end, when she's sick, her flimsy plan won't cover squat, leaving my cousin and the rest of us holding the bag...
This now costs $23.95... Dropping costs thanks to ObamaCare!

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