State's Rights Were Murdered At Appomattox, Virginia
The Confederates Were RIGHT!
A Commentary
by J. D.
Salmon P. Chase, a former Chief
Justice of the United States Supreme Court, said: "State's rights died
at Appomattox." Chief Justice Chase was absolutely correct.
one considers the current state of affairs between the US government and
the individual states, which form the so-called "American Union" today,
one absolutely must agree with the former Chief Justice.
For a
moment let's put aside the falsity that The War Between the States was
fought to force the southern states to give up slavery. In fact, I
would argue that that war did not end slavery. In fact, it introduced
slavery of an entire nation by stripping the sovereign states of their
rights as sovereign states and bound them as serfs/slaves
to what had
been, up to April of 1865(at least) a lesser entity, the federal
An honest student of American history will tell you
that the US federal government was created -- by the states- as an
of those states. It was intended to "represent" the
states -- not RULE
the states.
That arrangement was turned on its head under the
Lincoln administration. Abraham Lincoln trampled the US
Constitution on
a scale never replicated until our most recent occupant of the Oval
Office. Yet, Lincoln gets a pass because, the "intellectualists"
tell you, he was trying to save the Union.
My first question to
those intellectualists is always: "Save the Union from WHAT?"
southern states, which had seceded were not a threat. All they wanted
was to be "let alone" as their President, Jefferson Davis,
so often
As much as one may wish to ignore it .. the Confederates
were, indeed, right.
Now, here is a hard truth: Much, if not
all, of the conservative political philosophy in America today is based
on the political philosophy of the Confederate States of America.
Think I'm wrong?
Then consider the following: Strict construction of
the constitution, opposition to pork barrel spending, opposition of
protective tariffs, all these were the positions of the Confederates.
When you fight to protect the Bill of Rights, you are assuming the
Confederate position. When you argue that the US Constitution limits
the power and jurisdiction of the federal government, then you are
arguing the Confederate position.
If you'd like to read more about
this, then visit:
So -- why don't you know this,
already? Because our friends on the left -- and yes, on the right --
use the "slavery" thing to block and STOP
any discussion of the politics
of that era and the lasting effect that war has had on the people
this country.
There can be no argument that the US became a
different country in April, 1865. Sovereignty of states ended.
we still like to deceive ourselves and THINK we are sovereign. But any
state going against the federal government today will find themselves in
court. (As I write this, the country is awaiting a decision from
US Supreme Court on an immigration law the people of the state of
Arizona passed a short while ago, with which the federal government
It is a puzzlement that the southern states, the
states of the Confederacy, support the Republican Party. The GOP is the
party of Lincoln.
The conservative platform of the Republican
Party, especially with the Barry Goldwater candidacy in 1964, forged the
link between the southern states and the GOP. The Democratic
Party was
well on its chosen path into Socialism and Marxism and the people of
the south could not abide that and were already looking for a political
party they could support. When the Republican Party all but
adopted the
Confederate political philosophy, there was no question to
political party the southern people would pledge their allegiance.
1964, it has been the people of the southern states that have given the
GOP its political victories both for the Presidency and for the
majorities and near majorities it has enjoyed in the the Congress.
uncomfortable as it may be for some republicans, if the southern
decided today, for whatever reason, to leave the GOP, then the
Republican Party would instantly become a hopeless and impotent minority
party with no chance of ever capturing the White House or a majority
in either House of the Congress!
However, after the staunch
support the southern people have given the GOP over the past decades,
the Republican Party has not reciprocated.
It has been under the
Republican watch that "... Southerners have watched as their
were used as sociological guinea pigs as one Federal Court after the
other bused their children into unwholesome environments; Southerners
have watched as Federal government sanctioned discrimination against
White people under the guise of "affirmative action" has replaced State
sponsored discrimination against Black people under segregation;
Southerners have watched as the moral underpinnings of their culture,
Christianity, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments, have been routinely
purged from their communities while pornography and sodomy are given
official protection; and during this time Southerners have had to stand
by and tolerate the murder of millions of unborn children under the
guise of "freedom of choice" (something that they were not allowed to
exercise in their children's education). All of the aforementioned evils
were done during the watch of many good Republicans." SOURCE:
So, you STILL believe in state's
rights? Oh, there may be a state "privilege" or
two, but state's rights
simple don't exist anymore. They died at the point of a bloody
bayonet at a little place called Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia on
Palm Sunday in April of 1865. Self-government for Americans
died that
day -- and big government for Americans was born.
Consider this from
General Robert Edward Lee, Commander of the Army of Northern Virginia: "All
that the
South has ever desired was the Union as established by our forefathers
should be preserved and that the government as originally organized
should be administered in purity and truth."
THAT, dear reader, in
a nutshell, and as explained by General Lee, is what we Americans lost
Appomattox: "the Union as established by our forefathers"
and "the
government as originally organized." Nearly 700,000 Americans
giving birth to the bloated loathsome blob of the federal government
squatting in that drained swamp formerly known as "Foggy Bottom" today.
It's tentacles reach into every facet of every American's life today,
suffocating and smothering freedom.
If only ... .
But the thing
is done. And freedom lost is hardly ever recovered.
Now we know
no freedom was granted anyone as a result of that war. All
black and white, were simply moved onto the federal plantation where
we are expected/forced to obey our masters. The more things
change -
the more they stay the same.
General Robert E. lee, lived
long enough to see and understand what had happened to the country, a
country he loved before -- and after -- the war. He said this: "If
had foreseen the use those people designed to make of their victory,
there would have been no surrender at Appomattox Courthouse; no, sir,
not by me. Had I foreseen these results of subjugation, I would have
preferred to die at Appomattox with my brave men, my sword in my right
Understand: The loss of state's rights
affects EVERY state, not just the southern
states. But it was the southern states who armed themselves and took to
the field of battle to defend state's rights -- and
lost. As we now
know, it was not JUST the Confederates who lost that day at
It was EVERY American in EVERY state over which the federal government
holds power.
As a southerner, my family paid in blood, some gave
their lives in The Cause. I thank God their blood still flows in
EVERY American owes a debt to those men who tried valiantly to
preserve the rights of the people of their states, and -- as it turned
out -- the people of every state then, now, and in the future.
the war, Jefferson Davis, the former President of the Confederate
of America, made a prediction that Americans in every state can only
HOPE will be realized. He said: "The principle
[states' rights] for
which we contended is bound to reassert itself, though it may be at
another time and in another form."
Well, it is "another time," and,
I daresay, pounding away on this old battered keyboard is "another
form." But I am in the fight, even with the knowledge that the
fight for
freedom and state's rights still has a high probability of failure,
until my lifeless body is committed to the sacred southern soil from
whence it came.
As "The Great Reformer" Martin Luther said: "Here
I stand. May God help me. I can do no other."
J. D. Longstreet
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