Wednesday, August 22

Mitt Romney - Another Second Rate Candidate?

Both Democrats and Republicans agree, the 2012 Presidential election is probably the most important election of our lifetime. Far beyond a choice between two men, or between leadership styles, we’re looking at a choice of direction for our country.

A vote for the incumbent means further transformation towards a European style of government we’ll call “quasi-socialism,” and a vote for the challenger means a return to the Capitalist model which has served this country well up until now.

A vote for the incumbent means increasing debt that our country can no longer absorb, and a vote for the challenger means a return to fiscal responsibility.

A vote for the incumbent means further entrenchment of “Universal Health Care” into our society and a vote for the challenger almost certainly means the repeal of an unpopular bill, or at least many portions of it.

And, with all that’s at stake, the Republican Party has again put forth a second-rate candidate in Mitt Romney, at best the second or third choice of most conservatives during the primary season.

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