Saturday, September 8

Democrats are Idiots to Believe Obama Created 4.5 million jobs

It is called fuzzy math. Obama and his idiot followers learned well to cherry pick their data. 4.5million??? LOL
(CNN) Anyone watching the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday night heard the number 4.5 million several times. "Despite incredible odds and united Republican opposition, our president took action, and now we've seen 4.5 million new jobs," San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro, the party's keynote speaker, said. The number Castro cites is an accurate description of the growth of private-sector jobs since January 2010, when the long, steep slide in employment finally hit bottom. But while a total of 4.5 million jobs sounds great, it's not the whole picture. While that is indeed a gain of 4.5 million, it's only a net gain of 300,000 over the course of the Obama administration to date. There's been a net loss of nearly 1 million public-sector jobs since Obama took office, despite a surge in temporary hiring for the 2010 census. The figure of 4.5 million jobs is accurate if you look at the most favorable period and category for the administration. But overall, there are still fewer people working now than when Obama took office at the height of the recession.

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