Tuesday, September 11

Obama's Class Warfare in a Nutshell

Here's the essence of Obama's brand of socialism and class warfare. In this view of the world, anyone who does a than others must be leveled to the lowest common denominator.


In order to make everyone "equal," because inequality isn't "fair."

And what's Obama's vision of "fairness?"

To bring everyone down, leveling the rich who, in Obama's world, are the great oppressors who have somehow or another cheated their way to success.

The problem with this view of how the world works, and with the view of how to create such a world, is that a government with enough power to level all wealth also has the power to take it all away and to exercise all power and control over its citizens.

Remember what George Washington said: "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

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