Wednesday, September 19

One Citizen Speaking...

Posted: 18 Sep 2012 05:51 PM PDT
According to former President Ronald Reagan, “Trust, but Verify.”
I could not help but thinking that a significant majority of ballots are being handled by unionized postal workers, many in areas that are predominantly minority, poor, or contain illegal aliens. What secondary mechanism can be used to insure that one’s vote-by-mail or absentee ballot was truly received and counted?
I asked one of the counter clerks at my local post office, and he claimed, “mail is mail.” There are no special provisions for handling ballots.
Therefore, it seems to me that ballots in a closely contested race could be delayed beyond the counting deadline, destroyed or otherwise manipulated.
So, being naturally cynical and knowing how very small vote margins can turn an election, I want to be assured, as a voting citizen of the United States, that my ballots will be handled with safety and security.
-- steve
Posted: 18 Sep 2012 04:40 PM PDT
It appears that the environmental movement, infiltrated with anti-America Marxists and Communists, have found a way to manipulate our judicial system in such a manner as to create new laws without Congress or the President of the United States.
The method is simple.
Using a limited number of radical environmental groups to sue the Environmental Protection Agency, which appears to mount a less than credible defense, and allow the pre-selected left-leaning judiciary to impose rules and restrictions on the Agency – tantamount to creating new laws.
Why is it that these plaintiffs show up over-and-over?
  • Sierra Club,
  • Natural Resources Defense Council
  • Defenders of Wildlife
  • Wild Earth Guardians
  • Center for Biological Diversity
And all have ties to radical Marxist environmental policies which posit that man is a blight on the planet, animals have constitutional rights, the planet must be protected from man-made pollution and that since the planet’s resources are finite, must be protected from man by imposing population control. Where abortion, birth control, sterile homosexuality and disease are all regarded as tools to manage the population.
Here is what the Government’s Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman had to say …

Mandate Madness: When Sue and Settle Just Isn’t Enough

The Oversight and Government Reform Committee has focused a significant amount of attention this Congress on the red tape that is strangling economic growth and holding us back from prosperity.
At today’s hearing, we will continue this inquiry by examining the highly questionable practice perfected by the Environmental Protection Agency – known as “Sue and Settle,” which has emboldened the Administration to pursue an aggressive green agenda while escaping political accountability for the cost and burdens these regulations impose on job creators.
The process is rather simple: environmental groups will sue the EPA, demanding the agency issue a regulation on an accelerated timeframe. Rather than fighting the lawsuit, EPA quickly agrees to the special interest demands.
These settlement agreements are reached after closed-door negotiations between EPA and environmental groups where other interested parties are excluded.
Once the settlement is approved by a federal court in a consent decree, the EPA is legally bound to engage in the rulemaking.
It is important to note that when a court approves a consent decree, it does not consider the merits – the court is merely accepting and ratifying what the parties agreed to.
In the past 3 years, the Administration has concluded approximately 60 settlements with special interest – 29 of these agreements bound EPA to make major policy changes. The plaintiffs in these cases are often the very same reoccurring players – the Sierra Club, NRDC, Defenders of Wildlife, Wild Earth Guardians, and Center for Biological Diversity.
These special interest groups not only hold a special seat at the table with Obama’s EPA – EPA effectively pays them to sue the agency! In 2011 alone, taxpayers reimbursed these groups millions to participate in cozy sue and settle arrangements.
In addition to examining this outrageous practice, we will hear today about two particularly egregious cases where EPA defied all norms of transparency, sidelined interested parties, and is now in the process of imposing extraordinarily burdensome regulations.
These two case studies are EPA’s Regional Haze Regulations and its’ Greenhouse Gas Standards for Power Plants.
In the case of Regional Haze – Congress was crystal clear that this purely aesthetic visibility program is to be administered by the states and not by EPA. Through Sue and Settle, EPA is attempting to federalize the program; and imposing costs well beyond what the state had determined was necessary or justified. Ultimately, EPA’s proposal will costs billions of dollars for visibility improvements that are undetectable to the human eye.
In the second case study – New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for Electric Utilities, EPA concluded settlement negotiations on December 23, 2010, and agreed to promulgate NSPS for greenhouse gases for BOTH new and existing electric generating units under Sections 111(a) and 111(d) of the Clean Air Act.
At the time the settlement was reached, EPA was not in violation of any mandatory duty and as such, the litigants didn’t have a legal leg to stand on. And yet the agency settled, committing the agency to make major policy changes, without interested parties at the table, and rewarding litigants with a cash prize they never were entitled to.
These two case studies are but two examples of the dozens of policy changes EPA has committed to in sweetheart sue and settle arrangements with special interests. Time and again, when EPA is criticized for the excessive burden imposed by their agency – whether it be Utility MACT, Boiler MACT, Florida Water Quality Standards, Regional Haze, NAAQS or NSPS – EPA’s response is suspiciously similar – The agency has no discretion to extend the timeline to hear additional points of view – it is under court order to finalize the regulations by a date certain.
But let us be clear – What EPA claims the law requires them to do is nothing more than what EPA has agreed to do in a collusive arrangement with special interest allies. These arrangements are fundamentally unfair, lack transparency, are designed to circumvent other regulatory checks Congress has put in place. Environmental regulations only work when they are made in an open process that involves all stakeholders. Sue-and-settle rulemaking is an affront to that process.
Finally, I want to note that I very much wanted a representative from the EPA to be here today to respond to the concerns that our panelists will be raising. However, despite adequate notice,EPA has refused to provide a witness for today’s proceedings. I am hopeful that we can find a date in the near future when they can make an appropriate witness available to respond and add detail. <Source: House of Representatives>

Bottom line …
Obama and his fellow travelers have attempted a coup d'état.Attempting to take over our economy by controlling energy through the hoax of global warming “cap and trade,” the regulation of all financial affairs (Dodd-Frank, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau), and our personal lives through Obamacare.
It is the to return American to her pre-Marxist, pre-Communist state. Purge Obama and his fellow travelers in the House and Senate before it is too late.
-- steve
Posted: 18 Sep 2012 04:15 PM PDT
A circulating email proves that many a truth is spoken in jest …
-- steve
Posted: 18 Sep 2012 04:18 PM PDT
Here is the WORD …
  • JOBS
  • LIFE
Bottom line …
All areas where Obama and his policies, foreign and domestic, FAIL TO MEET THE TEST!
  • JOBS – Unemployment still at record levels; the rate appears to be declining slightly as people give up looking for work.
  • THE ECONOMY – Billions in stimulus, mostly to the government sector, and businesspeople are still afraid to invest in an uncertain future under Obama.
  • TAXES – Obama’s tax and spend policy continues unabated.
  • ENERGY – Obama has crippled the production of energy and continues to promote ineffective “green energy” within the United States.
  • LIFE – Abortion on demand for all. A young girl can be thrown out of school for taking an aspirin, but can receive an abortion without her parent’s knowledge or consent. End of Life counseling leading to who knows where.
  • MARRIAGE – the Gays are unsatisfied with “civil unions” and want to re-define the holy institution of “marriage.”
  • RELIGIOUS FREEDOM – Obama promotes Muslims while failing to protect Christians  and Jews.
  • FORCED INSURANCE – Obamacare is his signature legislative initiative.
Reference Links …
Test of Fire: Election 2012 (Official HD Version - Catholic)
Posted: 18 Sep 2012 02:44 PM PDT
We are facing an election which will define for the next four years – and perhaps forty years – whether we want to embark on democratic socialism or embrace capitalism and the free market. Today, as Mitt Romney is being severely reprimanded by the mainstream media for speaking of a growing entitlement culture beholden to government, I want you to consider what you are willing to give to your neighbor.
I am not speaking of charity – which is both voluntary and compassionate, but of mandatory government redistribution of your wealth, the fruits of your labors.To some extend it is already happening. Notice those fees on the bottom of your utility bill? The ones that provide subsidies for your neighbors new stove and refrigerator. The ones that insure illegal aliens have telephone, and in many cases, Internet services.
As you vote in the coming election, consider if you want the government’s greasy hands in your pockets, disadvantaging you and your children to pay for someone else’s luxuries. Whether the fruits of your labor should be divided-up among those who refuse to work?
It’s as simple as that. Vote to a corrupt democrat government to pick your pocket OR NOT!
Obama admits he believes in government redistribution …

-- steve

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