Thursday, September 6

Random Thoughts From The Conventions

My apologies, a trip to my son’s hockey tournament and subsequent bout of pneumonia has kept me from posting for some time. So, in no particular order, here are some random thoughts to catch up on things:

1. If Israel says their capital is Jerusalem, then it must be so. Strange how the Democrats missed that!

2. But, all is well now that Barack stepped in and modified the platform. Let’s hope the Jews in Florida didn't catch the floor vote. The arithmetic didn’t quite add up, as Bill would say.

3. I also grew up in the 70’s. And my recollection is that “Choom” was quite pricey, even then…especially Hawaiian “Choom”. Somehow I think Barack’s upbringing was not as humble as one is lead to believe.

4. Despite his past transgressions, Bill Clinton must truly love (or owes) Hilary! Because, what he did last night was certainly not for Barack’s benefit. I'll take last nights speech as confirmation of Hilary's 2016 run.

5. Keeping with Bill Clinton, he could sell you the Brooklyn Bridge…twice! Still one of the best politicians I’ve seen. Though, at times, I thought he was the one running for office. Hmmm...interesting thought. Romney or Clinton? I could be swayed to the dark side if given that choice!

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