Tuesday, September 4

While I Was Gone…

In writing, especially in the era of the new media, you’re only as good as your last publication… in our case, that was a couple of weeks ago. Dee, my fearless editor, and I both have full time careers. Dee in particular has an awful lot on her plate… I honestly don’t understand how she does it all.

We’ve experienced a sort of enforced hiatus due to a long overdue hiatal hernia reduction that I should have taken care of years ago. The operation, as such, went extremely well, except that I contracted pneumonia as a result of the anesthesia… so I spent a couple of extra days at the VA hospital up at Palo Alto. Great hospital, superb care… but undoubtedly the worst place there is to get any rest. So, I’ve spent the last few days luxuriating in rest and unbroken sleep.

Nothing bores me worse than other people’s health issues, and rightly so… it has no place here. But I felt that we owed an explanation to our regular readers. My stay at the hospital did give me a chance to watch the Republican National Convention in detail… much more so than I ever could have, otherwise.

Most of our national television coverage is so leftward leaning and so badly in lockstep with MaoBama and his DeMarxists that they themselves scarcely know fact from fiction. The Convention, by and large, was a spectacular success in introducing the country to a very strong Republican ticket. It’s a strong conservative ticket with something the DeMarxists don’t have, thanks to all you Patriots out there… we’ve got a deep conservative bench. Thanks to all of the American Patriots (read: Tea Party) out there, we have a real shot at turning this country around.

It’s also pointed out fatal weaknesses in the Republican establishment’s mind-set. It’s obvious to me, and to most dedicated conservatives, that Mitt Romney’s selection of Paul Ryan over the (more ‘acceptable’) choices of the RINO crowd, such as Rob Portman or Crispy Cream Chris Christie, went against the dumbed-down vanilla beltway crowd.

Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan complement each other in so many different areas that it’s easy to see why the country is excited. This is a winning ticket. Look around the country and you’ll see Tea Party endorsed candidate after candidate winning in both local and state elections and primaries. Don’t think it hasn’t been noticed by the DeMarxists, either. As they get more and more desperate they increasingly become a clear and present danger to your freedom, to our freedom, and the promise of a free and independent life for our children and grandchildren.

This is it. It’s the whole nine yards right here and right now. We have our marching orders. Now let’s go out and do it!

Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis

© Skip MacLure 2012

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