Wednesday, October 3

Euripides' Observations

Thomas Sowell

I am a fan of Thomas Sowell and his work in economics, as well as a defender of US constitutional values. Every so often, he publishes a list of "Random Thoughts," which catalog his thoughts on what's happening in the modern world. At the risk of copying his idea, I have a list of Euripides' Observations. I present these as the sincerest form of flattery.

Euripides' Observations

Does Rachel Maddow actually listen to herself after she records her broadcasts? I suspect not. If she did, it would probably set up an infinite feedback loop in her brain that would then create a rift in the fabric of space which would suck all matter into it and destroy the universe as we know it.

The Roman Senator, Cato the Elder, wanted Rome to go to war against neighboring Carthage. He repeated the phrase "Carthago delenda est" ("Carthage must be destroyed") frequently in his speeches to the Romans. The Romans listened, and Rome destroyed Carthage. Now, over 2000 years later, modern liberals have found that the repetition of bad ideas can still convince the masses to believe in the darnedest things.

I've been reviewing a lot of high school texts the past year. Nearly all of them suggest, over and over, the same Cato-esque mantra: the US is not a land of opportunity, but of oppression. If liberals can't speak the truth, at least it can repeat the same lies over and over again until the masses believe it.

Does anyone really decide who to vote for on the basis of debates? I and three of my closest friends certainly don't.

How much evidence does it take in the Fast and Furious gun walking scheme until it brings down the Attorney General? If he were Republican, it'd take about six months. Since he's a Democrat, he gets to walk away unscathed from this disastrous policy. Then again, the current administration refuses to acknowledge that there's a drug war in Mexico, which keeps leaking over into the US.

To voter ID or not to voter ID? That is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous accusations from liberals, or to take arms against a sea of false accusations and by thus opposing, end them?

Out of all of the accusations coming from liberals, can there be anything sillier than to accuse the right of racism for wanting to pass voter ID laws?

Out of all the policies that have come out of the Obama administration, I think his naive approach to the Mideast is the scariest. The Mideast is a tinderbox waiting for a match and Obama is like a little kid playing with a lighter. Can we please get some adults to take over policy making when it comes to the Mideast?

Why is the media still having a debate over whether or not the media is biased toward Obama? That's like asking a career felon to sit as judge at his own trial.

I look forward to the day when Vice President Joe Biden finally receives the historical accolades he so richly deserves, and gets placed in the same paragraph as Dan Quail. How can one man have so many "gaffes" and still be taken seriously?

For me, Ann Romney is Mitt's saving grace. While I really don't trust any politician, I think she'd make an outstanding First Lady.

Every day I drive through the Indian reservation on the way to my school. On one stretch of road, there are four feral dogs who literally stand in the middle of the road, forcing the traffic, at times, to a standstill. They are diseased. Their eyes are bloodshot and rheumy. They are unconcerned that, at any moment, they could be squashed underneath the tires of a passing car. I see this as a symbol of the entitlement mentality, who have lost all sense of self-worth and dignity.

The 2000 death mark in Afghanistan passed the mainstream media with hardly a splash. Are we to recognize the sacrifices of our soldiers only when liberals use their deaths as a weapon to bludgeon Republicans?

If the Bush Doctrine is the idea of preemptive strikes against rogue countries, what is the Obama Doctrine - flinging drones across sovereign nations on assassination missions?

Has anyone stopped to consider with the upcoming elections that it'd me nice to replace some Senators, as well as Obama? The Democrat controlled Senate has stonewalled nearly every bill passed by the House since the Democrat Great Defeat of 2010. It has also failed to submit a budget since then.  Don't get me wrong, I'm all for gridlock in Washington. But it would be nice to have a chance of changing the existing laws before they further derail the economy. Remember, all the Democrats need to do to win with the stimulus, with Obamacare, and with raising taxes, is to do nothing.

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