Wednesday, November 7

Four More Years: What Does It Mean?

So the Great Community Organizer got reelected for another four years. Here are a few of my thoughts and predictions about what that means to the people of the US.

1) Obama will now use his reelection as a mandate to continue grabbing federal power from an ineffective Congress and supporting a liberalized court system. Look for him to make executive mandates to weaken immigration laws, allowing for a de facto amnesty of illegal Mexican immigrants. Obama will also help spread the homosexual dogma of same sex marriage by destroying the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), thus clearing the way for a national overthrow of state marriage laws and constitutional amendments. With federal support, gay activists will then have a clear shot at removing the 1st Amendment protections of religion. Also look for Obama to take on the 2nd Amendment, using executive power to restrict gun and ammunition sales. Note that these will all be done without the benefit of existing law, since the new Congress looks a lot like the old Congress and will be powerless to create effective bills that both Republicans and Democrats can agree to.

2) Obama could conceivably replace one, even two, Supreme Court justices. The long-term implications are clear. The Supreme Court would then largely be a court dominated by liberal dogma. The Court's major function would then be to dictate dogma, rather than to preserve the US Constitution. What this means is an end to the rule of law, creating instead, an oligarchy where the rules of society are determined by a few crony liberals, rather than by legislation. When that happens, the US Republic will cease to be and our government will have fully migrated to become a European-type socialist state.

3) Obama's fiscal policies will play out even further, unfettered by tax cuts or a legal budget. The Senate will still ignore submitting a budget, and the House budgets will fail in the Senate. Hence, the current, stalemated federal budget will continue on its merry way into the abyss. Perhaps more damaging, Obamacare will continue on unabated. Time will tell what all of Obamacare's effects will be, but further debt, higher insurance costs, and rationing of medical services all seem inevitable. Federal fiscal policies will also continue to interfere with American businesses, especially small businesses. The direct result will be a continued sluggish economy and high unemployment. Of course, Obama will ignore or mask any numbers that don't show positive gains in those areas, all the while announcing how many jobs he's saved.

4) Obama's foreign policy will allow the Mideast to be completely controlled by radical Islam. Obama will continue to try to direct Mideast policy through limited military contact and drone strikes, but since his previous four years' policies have been a complete failure, there's no reason to assume that he'll make substantive changes to future policy. The administration's "misstep" with the US embassy in Libya will be buried by the mainstream media and will be forgotten in a month.

5) Obama will concede more and more US authority to the UN. Obama has implied, though never admitted, that he is a globalist. Hence, his ideology points to a direct path to concede national authority to a global organization.

6) The US demographic is now evenly split between conservative and liberal values. Since Obama will be in office four more years, and since he's a radical liberal, the country will become even more divided along party lines, as well as between liberal ideology and Constitutional conservatism. Liberalism will make further gains as the Obama administration applies more welfare state policies to minority groups. (If we run out of minority groups, look for the creation of even more "oppressed" groups. Consider, for example, what the accepted abbreviation LBGTQIAA means, with its implications of further dividing Americans into sub-sub categories of sexual preference.) While Obama is in office, we will sink ever further into an America mired in identity politics, egged on by a president who is all too willing to start a witch hunt over the slightest hints of racism.

I'm sure I've missed some areas. After all, there is nothing inevitable about the path of history. I've tried to consider Obama's past trends, his clearly defined ideological base, and his limitations as a president. Yet one thing seems certain, the future of the United States will be a rocky one, with little hope for change.

1 comment:

bdog said...

Your a nut job and 4 more years baby I hope he becomes a dictator

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