Wednesday, November 28

Suit Challenges Ban On Women Serving In Combat Roles

“Four female service members who served in Iraq or Afghanistan filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday, arguing that [combat] restrictions [on women] are unconstitutional and have hindered their careers.”
“…the Pentagon’s combat-exclusion policy assumes women are less capable than men, “which is [one] of the biggest errors the military can make.” – - The Seattle Times

Here we go again…this issue seems to come up regularly!

For the record, I have no problem with women serving in combat roles in the military. They do in other nations, so why not ours?

The problem I have is women are not held to the same physical fitness requirements in the military as their male peers, despite the quote above that implies they are just as capable.

Take the Marine Corps for instance. Males are required to pass a fitness test which includes pull-ups, sit-ups and a timed three mile run.

The Female test does not include pull-ups. Instead, female Marines are required to perform the “flexed arm hang” which simply involves hanging from a pull-up bar with their chin above the bar for a specified period of time. Quite different than repeating the motion (chin above the bar) over and over, don’t you think?

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