Sunday, December 9

Our politicians' dirty hands-Islam and political correctness

I will consider here some of the principles and methods of our politicians, as they deal with dissenting voices. The mainstream media in the UK have as yet failed to even mention the incarceration of Tommy Robinson, let alone analyse the reasons behind it. So I intend to write something factual that will hopefully be of use to anyone involved in the counter-jihad movement.

As any philosophy graduate knows, the key statement in Machiavelli's The Prince can be found in the opening paragraph of Chapter 15. There, it's argued that if a prince wants to maintain his state, he must "learn how not to be good" and then use that knowledge whenever it is necessary. In philosophy, this is known as the "dirty hands" problem.

The reason why it's necessary for a prince to sometimes get his hands "dirty" is that he will be overcome by those around him if he doesn't. As Machiavelli put it: "A man who wishes to profess good at all times will come to ruin among so many who are not good." Machiavelli did not have an unrealistic view of people, calling them "a wretched lot" who in general are "ungrateful, fickle, simulators and deceivers, avoiders of danger, and greedy for gain." Pretty much the opinion we have of politicians today.

Over the years we have seen mainstream politicians laying the groundwork for a more distant and elitist form of government. As that project has slowly progressed towards a global political system, all peoples and creeds have been invited to sit at the table. As this happens, significant problems arise.

The more inclusive a global political system becomes, the more each of its members have to turn a blind eye to what their comrades do. If you are going to work alongside groups like Hamas and support their goals, then you are going to have to forsake your own conscience. Amorality is a necessary condition of a global political system.

Wealthy politicians don't have to live with the consequences of their actions - we do. Anyone living in a "culturally enriched" area knows from experience what that can mean. Isaiah Berlin defined negative freedom as the range of actions open to an individual, or to use Berlin's metaphor, the number of doors open before you. Islamic doctrines demand that the negative freedom of women, children, non-Muslims and yes, male Muslims too (remember the penalty for apostasy) is restricted. The doctrines of Islam are therefore fundamentally incompatible with human liberty.

The British state has decided that making such a philosophical observation ist verboten! When someone like Tommy Robinson stands up and speaks out, the state has to decide whether to let the British people (i.e. voters) hear his voice, and thereby learn the truth about Islamic doctrines and history. Or they can listen instead to their political comrades whining about "Islamophobia" (a curious pseudo-medical term which no layperson seems able to actually define), choose to side with them and to turn on their own freedom-loving citizens, thereby keeping their dreams of a global political system alive. Tommy is currently banged up in Bedford Prison, so we know, only too well, which option the state has chosen.

Machiavelli wrote that a prince needed to get his hands dirty in order to maintain themselves in power, and our politicians today have learned that lesson well. They are willing to do that which is "not good" and, as John Stuart Mill wrote, "visit harm" upon their own citizens in order to keep anyone from questioning what they are doing. Machiavelli also said that a ruler should not keep his word when it's not to his advantage, must not hesitate to employ cunning, faithlessness and deceit, and should know to be "a great pretender and dissembler." Clearly, our mainstream politicians are well practiced in such vulpine ways.

When I think of those people, I must admit, it is somewhat gratifying to recall Machiavelli's tale of Castruccio Castracani, who died of a chill brought on by an evening breeze "in the midst of the career which was leading to that glory which all [his] successes promised".  Fortune laid the man low when he was at the peak of his abilities and strength. What those politicians have forgotten is that no matter how ruthless they are, how willing to do that which is "not good", or how deceitful they show themselves to be, sometimes it doesn't take much of anything, and the game is over. Their web of lies could yet unravel.

So anyone involved with the counter-jihad movement in any way needs to do two things; they must challenge the politically correct narrative regarding Islamic doctrines and history by speaking the truth at every opportunity, via all available media outlets; and they can understand what our current crop of elected politicians are doing, remember it, and when the opportunity arises, vote them out!

Tags: Tommy Robinson, EDL, English Defence League, Paul Weston, British Freedom, Machiavelli, John Stuart Mill, dirty hands To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!

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