Wednesday, April 17

Instead of Indoctrination, Lopsided Bias in Schools Can Backfire and Create Conservatives

by Mark A. Cohen

I’m now active on Twitter. Please follow me there at @markacohen

When we speak about bias in education, many on the left will say that it refers to the behavior of students, such as social exclusion and stereotyping through name-calling. They generally believe the answer lies in the teaching of multi-culturalism. Sometimes those on the left say the educational profession perpetrates unfair testing practices against minorities. People on the right tend to focus on teachers, instead. With the advent of the cell phone, more examples of biased lessons have been made public in the last few years. Instead of presenting all points of view, some professors appear on video showing a distinct preference for liberal philosophies and a disdain for conservatives. A few call those on the right and/or their ideas names, and denigrate right-wing points of view. This is the school bias of which I write.

<i>1984</i>, by George Orwell
1984, by George Orwell

In Appleton, Wisconsin, 15-year-old Benji Backer, a political activist, was forced to switch schools due to teacher harassment. He said they hounded him because he dared to espouse conservative views. One of his teachers expressed jealousy for businessmen in front of the class, saying that small business owners take Fridays (and summers) off, while claiming that as a teacher he didn’t make enough to take care of his family. When Benji spoke to the teacher about his feelings at the request of his principal, the teacher reportedly cursed at him. In a free society all points of view must be taught with equal emphasis – and not misrepresented by partisans. Students must be free to make up their own minds and not be coerced or indoctrinated by radicals. When only some views are represented in a positive light we run the risk of creating a dictatorship – or we may face a fierce backlash (a non-violent refusal to believe) such prejudicial efforts.

 Report bias.
Report bias.

After speaking with several teachers, I know that many feel overworked (many put in more than 40 hours a week) and they probably are underpaid. However, this does not excuse any biases they may express in the classroom. The pro-Obama video, “Mmm Mmm Mmm” was produced in a Burlington Township, New Jersey elementary school in 2009. See a large collection of such videos here. They are frightening, and make one think of indoctrination of children by rigid regimes in other countries.

Tamra Varebrook, a Milwaukee Republican, has uncovered some false definitions taught in the school system there. Examples include: Conservatism = Restricting Personal Freedoms, Liberals = Equality and Personal Freedom for everyone. My father taught me these stereotypes. When I finally realized that such generalizations were all false, the discovery helped me to become a conservative. The people perpetuating such flagrant bias in schools know not what they do.

Examples of false stereotypes taught in some schools today.
Examples of false stereotypes taught in some schools today.

As a co-treasurer of the Castle Rock Writers, it gives me great pleasure to announce that we signed a contract with The History Press this past week! Our book will cover the history of Douglas County, CO. The seven co-authors will be: Alice Aldridge-Dennis, Mark A. Cohen, Derald Hoffman, Jean Jacobsen, John Longman, Susan Rocco-McKeel, and Tania Urenda. The release date is scheduled for Nov. 5, 2013.


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Keywords: Conservatism, Conservative blog, Mark A. Cohen, From The Left to the Right, political bias in schools, educational bias, liberal teachers, Benji Backer, Tamra Varebrook

Keywords: "Conservatism", "Conservative blog", "Mark A. Cohen", "From The Left to the Right", “political bias in schools”, “educational bias”, “liberal teachers”, “Benji Backer”, “Tamra Varebrook”

Mark A. Cohen is currently seeking representation for his memoir, From The Left to the Right.

Mark A. Cohen is a member of and helps run the Parker Writers Group (Check out their Facebook page here)

Or, see the Parker Writers Group Web page here

Mark A. Cohen’s web site,, is now under construction.

Mark A. Cohen is a member of the Castle Rock Writers (Check out their Facebook page here) Their web page,, will also take you to the Facebook page until the web page is completed.

Mark A. Cohen currently sits on the committee which hosted the Castle Rock Writers Conference on October 13, 2012. He is currently their Vice-Treasurer. The group, whose motto is Rock Solid Writing, is seeking their 501c3, and is currently planning the 2013 conference.

Please save the date: Castle Rock Writers will hold the Castle Rock Writers Conference on Saturday, November 23, 2013, at the Douglas County Events Center in Castle Rock, Colorado. Please stay tuned for further information.

Mark A. Cohen spoke for about 20 minutes at the Coffee4Conservatives meeting at the Firehouse on State Road 83, in Franktown, CO, on Oct. 21, 2012.

Mark A. Cohen spoke for about 30 minutes at the Douglas County Republicans’ First Friday Breakfast in Parker, CO, held at The War Horse Inn, on Dec. 2, 2011.

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I highly recommend Dr. Anna Geving, my dentist in Parker, CO

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