Saturday, June 29

Paula Deen and indecent speech . . .

The usual suspects compete to condemn Paula Deen for her apparently private use of the word "nigger" many years ago. Very few question those who use the same word, and other equally offensive words, for financial gain while promoting racial and gender stereotypes.

Some suggest that determining what is indecent public speech depends upon the race of the speaker.

There is no separate set of "rules" for decency in public speech depending on your race. Are we back to measuring bloodlines? One standard of decency for octoroons and a second standard for quadroons? If so, there is no decency left.

What must be addressed is the bullying, fear and cowardice inherent in confronting those in presently unfavored racial groups for indecent public speech while celebrating equally despicable public speech by members of untouchable racial groups.

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