Tuesday, August 13

Success holds no attraction for teacher unions


The abysmal showing by New York City Public Schools on the new "Common Core" student (and teacher) proficiency tests has produced a plethora of excuses and rationalizations from the usual suspects. Federal, state and local officials assure us that all is well and the poor test scores are really a good thing, reflecting no lack of competency on the part of teachers and administrators.

Not surprisingly, these usual suspects have no interest in the amazingly successful efforts of Eva Moscowitz's New York City Charter Schools:

"Of the 1,500 kids in her Harlem and South Bronx schools who took the Common Core exams, 82 percent got a passing score in math, and 58 percent passed English.

Across the city, the pass rates were 26 percent in English and 30 percent in math . . . Her performance makes her the No. 1 leader in New York City schools — and a scary competitor to the rest of the system. In a better world, one where excellence is prized instead of feared, she would be chancellor and all city students would get the benefit of her talent and passion."