Rep. Rangel’s Solution To Student Loans – Free College
Charles, Chuck, Charlie! Hasn't anyone told you? You're stupid! I don't mean that as an insult. I'm telling you as a friend. Every time you open your mouth, you make yourself look worse. Do you ever think before talk? You don't, do you? Or do you think before you talk but your brain is not up to the task of evaluating anything but the least complex subjects.
Let me explain a few things to you. If we made a college education free:
- We would put even more pressure on state and federal budgets and thus taxpayers. (I know that means nothing to you, but trust me, it's important.)
- A college education would become meaningless because then, (like a belly button) everyone would have one.
- Because of item number 2, millions of people would be delayed years before entering the workforce. They would spend that time being a drain on government finances rather than being tax-paying contributors, which would aggravate item number 1.
- If college became part of public education, the quality of it would quickly decrease to the point where it would match that of our current public schools.
- Free college couldn't help but steer more people away from blue collar jobs and the trades. These are the areas where employers are currently having trouble finding qualified applicants.
And as far as Republicans, terrorists, Tea Party members, and opponents to the civil rights movement are concerned:
- You said that House Republicans have done more damage to American competitiveness than al Qaeda ever could. "What is happening is sabotage. Terrorists couldn't do a better job than Republicans are doing." I don't even know how to respond to this other than that statement contains a million orders of magnitude more hyperbole than all the exaggeration used by anyone, anytime, anywhere combined. Oh, I may have just beat ya!
- Most of the people resisting the civil rights movement in the South that you are referring to, were Democrats.
- Most of the Tea Party members at that time were either preteens, in diapers, or not even born yet.
- The objectives of the Tea Party and Democrats in the South, in the early sixties have almost nothing in common. I'm sure I've been to a lot more Tea party meetings than you have. Not once have I ever heard any racist comments while attending one. If you weren't such an idiot, you would realize that government fiscal responsibility (one of the main concerns of Tea Party members) is essential, if you want government assistance programs to continue at any where near current levels in the future.
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