Part 1 in a series to delve deeper into who Obama is by learning who the people are that shaped his life. Who were the people that raised and mentored him? And just WHO is Barack Hussein Obama, II?
Stanley Armour Dunham
Stanley Armour Dunham was born on March 23, 1918 in Wichita, Kansas. When he was 8 years old, he discovered his mother’s dead body after she had committed suicide. His father then abandoned him and left him in the care of his maternal grandparents in El Dorado, Kansas.
It goes without saying that he was very emotionally damaged by these events. He grew to be a very angry and rebellious teenager. Stanley once punched his high school principal and then became a drifter, hopping rail cars first to Chicago then to California and then back again.
When he was 20, he married Madelyn Lee Payne on the night of her senior prom. Before leaving to fight in World War II in 1942, Stanley and Madelyn conceived the couple’s only child. On November 29, 1942, Stanley Ann Dunham is born. Yes, a girl is given her father’s name because he had wanted a son instead.
After the war, Stanley moves his family around the Country for about 15 years. They moved to California, back to Kansas, to Seattle, to Mercer Island, Washington and then finally to Hawaii.
It is widely accepted that Stanley Dunham was a communist and Marxist. According to Cliff Kincaid, the journalist who runs the public policy group, America's Survival, Inc. (ASI), the FBI confirmed that a file had been kept on Dunham and was subsequently destroyed in 1997. What the file contained may well be a mystery forever, but one thing is certain, a file was kept for a very good reason. That reason most logically points to Dunham’s relationship with Frank Marshall Davis. Kincaid’s ASI had previously obtained the 600-page FBI file on Davis and posted it at usasurvival.org. It showed that Davis was a key high-level operative in a Soviet-sponsored network in Hawaii.
Dunham, who Obama called “Gramps”, has been depicted by the Main Stream Media as a Patriot of sorts who served in the U.S. Army during World War II. They chose to ignore Davis’ communist affiliations and instead identified him as a Civil Rights Activist. But Dunham had a very close relationship with Frank Marshall Davis in Hawaii. Davis was a member of the Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and the two reportedly drank and smoke pot together. Dunham picked Davis as a mentor for young Obama.
I think it is safe to say that Stanley Armour Dunham was a troubled individual who held communism in a very high regard. He raised his daughter with communist ideals and seemed happy with the fact that his daughter, a white woman, married a black, Kenyan communist during a time when people would still cross the street in avoidance if a mixed race couple were seen together. He was also pleased to pawn his grandson off on his close, personal friend, Frank Marshall Davis, to be mentored by one of the most Communist, Marxist idiot ever born. Davis was a sick and twisted individual. Find out more about him in the next post.
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