It is hard to see any light at times and with a regime gone berserk such as we have now, the seeds that were planted decades ago have sprouted and grown into something VERY poisonous to every one of us. Some of us see this better than others. I refused to see, believe this for many, many years. Not any more. It started in 1979 when then POTUS Jimmy the dhimmi Carter fumbled the crisis in Iran at the American Embassy so badly. It continued from there with foreign and domestic events that have convinced me the United States is on the express train to a complete breakdown of society. They are waiting for the right time and martial law will be declared after a catastrophic event or will it be just one more LAX shooting as the excuse? Good people, will overnight become enemies of the
From The Mad Jewess
The Grapes Of Wrath… Americans Will Turn On Other Americans
The Grapes Of Wrath… Americans Will Turn On Other Americans
Watch this video. If you have never read “The Grapes of Wrath”, Or haven’t read the book, you need to. In this scene, these people were pushed off of their land by government/banks. I cannot find the next scene. But, in the next clip, they bulldoze this man’s home. As he is screaming at the man on the tractor, who is getting ready to bulldoze his land and house, the tractor worker replies: “I HAVE TO GET PAID, FAMILY TO FEED! GET OUT OF THE WAY!”
So, think again if you really believe that an American neighbor will help another neighbor…
While Steinbeck may have written stories, these are actual events that occurred many times during the Great Depression.
Source is here
Tags: Second American Revolution, Day of reckoning, Founding Fathers, Constitution, Second Amendment, USSA, Fighting against the collective, Communism, American Patriot, My blood for FREEDOM. To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
My biggest fear is the federal government using civil unrest as an excuse to impose martial law and strip citizens of their freedom. I still trying to figure out, how to prepare for such a situation, and what I should do if it ever happens.
Exactly, Neil. The gov't is waiting like stinking Hyenas around a dying animal and that animal is US, the freedom we hold so close to our hearts. If martial law does occur I fear many of us just may vanish without a word or trace.
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