Tuesday, October 22

Is It Too Late To Replace Harris with Biden? Democrats in Panic

As Harris campaign in disarray, should Dems put Biden in? 

As Harris honeymoon period ended right after the DNC, she's unable to move the barometer toward her direction.  From her non-answer word salad to softball questions on Oprah, news network, the debate with Trump and her interview with Fox News, her popularity and support has dwindled. 

Most polls, which are sampled mostly Democrats, put Harris one point ahead of Trump. At this point of the election cycle, in 2016, Hillary Clinton was 9 points ahead of Trump, which she lost. In 2020, Biden was up by double digits and Biden barely won (of course,Democrats cheated). Thus, if Harris is barely leading Trump, we can assume Trump should destroy her in November. We can’t underestimate the power of the silent voters who are scared of the Trump deranged nut jobs to go in the voting booth and vote for Trump. We seem it once before and we shall see it again. I am pretty sure this November will bring out a historical number of voters coming out to vote.

Trump has done something that no Republican could do. Trump has 36% support of union members, over 33% of the Hispanic vote, and 18% of the Black vote.  The threshold that republicans need from this demographic is 10% of the union members, 30% of Hispanics, and 9% of the Black vote to win an election. And this is creating tension in Washington with the establishment. As most stupid people would do is panic and do something without rational thinking. After hiding Biden cognitive decline for years, the establishment thought it was a good idea to put Biden in a debate format, which he failed. The establishment thought it would be safe to put an idiot of a vice president to replace him. The establishment thought it would be okay to disenfranchised 14 million voters who voted for Biden in the primary and give them to Harris. After the point of no return, the establishment are starting to regret what they did. 

If Trump win, and the chance are very good he can, the establishment can only blame themselves for doing something really stupid and be responsible for their mistakes. I don’t think the democrats can cheat their way out of this. Polymarket betting site, who predicted the 2020 Biden win, has Trump beating Harris 57% to 43%. Political polls showed voters lean Republican (R+1). The threshold for a democrat win is D+3. Base on this, expect a landslide for a Trump win. 

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