Saturday, March 8

Solve the Ukraine/Russia War Like Parent

Ukraine: Screw’em; Russia: Compromise them to Shut Up 

Let’s explain this like a parent. You have 3 kids in the house and it’s quiet, is it possible they are all watching tv in harmony? No. When you don’t have Gen-X children, who could take care of themselves at age 9, is it possible to leave today’s younger generation alone for couple hours? Oh, hell no! Does the last child enjoy tormenting their older siblings and visa-versa? Yes! You get the idea!

So this is the same case with Ukraine and Russia! When you had a parent like Trump around during his 1st term, Ukraine and Russia were good children. No fighting. No wars. The house didn’t burn down. And when Trump went away on a short vacation, guess what happens? The babysitter ( Biden) couldn’t control them. The babysitter let them run amuck. Thus, when the cat is away, the mice will play. When the parent return to find their children unruly, how do you fix it? 

As a parent, you can’t treat each child the same. The youngest petulant child needs a hard dose of reality; while the oldest “matured” child needs compromises. The youngest child need to feel the pain from their consequential action. Thus, taking away tv rights, phone rights, computer rights, and go to bed early would solve most situations. For the older child, the solution is all monetary and compromises. Say knock it off or I will stop paying for car insurance, health insurance, tuition, or kick them out of the house at 18 to fend for themselves are good viable threats.  

This is what we are seeing with the Ukraine war.  Trump will solve this problem just like a parent. What Trump is doing is the right thing to prevent World War III from occurring. 

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