I really enjoyed the Mel Gibson film Conspiracy Theory. In fact, I love conspiracies altogether. Not
that I believe them, but they are fun. One of the things that I find
fascinating about them is that in any good conspiracy, there is at least a
grain of truth. I would even go so far to say that in any good conspiracy, the
facts are almost always true or at least a good percentage of them. The problem
does not lie in the facts surrounding the conspiracy, but in the conclusion,
the interpretation of those facts.
Of course, the facts must be pertinent to the conspiracy;
otherwise the conclusion / conspiracy will sound completely ridiculous
regardless of the truth of the facts surrounding it. One can say that the former
logo used by Procter & Gamble featured what appeared to be rams horns, and
that the logo also featured a male face that was attached to the rams horns,
and the numbers 666 appear throughout the logo and that the logo also featured
13 stars. All of this is true – at least to some extent. The conclusion based
on these facts, however, was that since the number 666 is the number of Satan,
and that the devil has rams horns and that the number 13 is also a satanic
number – then obviously Procter & Gamble is a satanic organization. The
problem with this is that it is all hogwash. The so-called ram’s horns are
actually the moon, and the face is that of the man in the moon, and the 666
that is seen is merely curls in the hair and beard of the man in the moon. But
you can see where conspiracies must have actual documented facts that are
pertinent to the conclusion in order to be even remotely believable. One must
be able to connect the dots so to speak, and the dots must follow a logical
progression in order to arrive at a reasonable conclusion. Whether or not that
conclusion is true is another matter.
Now that’s one heck of a prologue isn’t it! So, with that
all being said, I will now present a group of facts that I have noticed over
the past several months while surfing the web. I will not present a final conclusion
based on this group of facts, however. I will leave that up to the reader (and
no, the images appearing in this article are not a conclusion, they are merely
satirical in nature, so don’t draw any conclusions based on them. Draw your
conclusions only on the facts presented). But I would be interested to see if
these are all just random facts that do not lead to any conclusion, or if there
is something really here. If the following facts really were part of a
conspiracy (as opposed to nothing more than completely random unconnected facts
and incidents) then I would call this (non) conspiracy:
“After the 9/11 terrorist attacks, we learned that our
immigration system had been used by foreign terrorists to gain a safe haven in
the United States. All of the 9/11 hijackers received visas to come to the U.S.
And once they were here, all but one of the 9/11 hijackers acquired some form
of a U.S. identification document. These forms of ID helped them board
commercial flights on 9/11.” – Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) (Source)
“The southern border is porous, and we need to shut it down if we hope to get ahead of the problems that illegal immigration brings, …Less than 5 percent of the 125,000 containers coming into this country each day are ever inspected.” – Joe M. Allbaugh, former FEMA Director (Source)
In February 2011, the United States Government
Accountability Office (GAO) released a report which states that of the 1,969
mile border with Mexico, only 873 have been deemed secure according to the
standards of the Department of Homeland Security. (Source)
is little doubt that the federal government has either created a porous border
(overtly or covertly), or has been ineffectual in creating a secure border
(either overtly or covertly). Even the director of the FBI, Robert Mueller has
stated that we “live in a world where borders and boundaries are increasingly
irrelevant.” (Source)
the federal government has allowed such a porous border, and that FBI Director
Mueller considers borders irrelevant is cause for concern, especially in light
of known anti-America terrorist groups operating in Canada and Mexico. It has
been speculated that there are more international terrorist organizations
active in Canada than anywhere else in the world. Groups such as Al Qaeda,
Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Armed Islamic Group (GIA) and the Egyptian
Islamic Jihad group are all suspected of operating in Canada. (Source). Rep. John
Culbertson of Texas has stated that Mexico is home to Al Qaeda training camps
(Source), and there is
evidence that both Hezbollah and Iran have a strong presence in Mexico as well.
(Source). Hezbollah has even gone so far as to brag
about waging war on the United States, yet for some reason, the American
government seems to be ignoring this. (Source)
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