Monday, September 10

Obama zombie goes ape crazy


Supporters —and ideological opponents —of President Barack Obama assembled in West Palm Beach on Sunday to watch the Democratic leader’s motorcade pass by. Naturally, the two sides ended up clashing, with one woman issuing some intense rhetoric. In a screaming match with an Obama opponent, she wasted no time in passionately defending a woman’s right to choose whether to have an abortion.

“It’s between a woman and God!,” the woman, who was wearing an Obama “Forward” t-shirt, screamed in video footage that was captured by BizPac Review. ”If she wants to get rid of her baby —that’s her baby!”

The man she was dueling with was anything but in agreement on the issue. Rather than ignore her claims, he responded, highlighting his opposition to taxpayer-funded abortions.

“That doesn‘t change the fact that I’m a taxpaying citizen and I’m not paying to let you murder your child your child,” he shouted back.

Watch the shouting match... Video

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