Wednesday, October 31
Rush Limbaugh: Obama’s Not Gonna Get Points For Looking Presidential - Hurricane Photo Ops
The Roots of Obamas Rage By DSouza, Dinesh (Google Affiliate Ad)
The New Ann Coulter By Coulter, Ann (Google Affiliate Ad)
John Gizzi Predicts: Senate 52 Seats for GOP
Congress steps up demands for info on Benghazi attack...
Four senators sent a letter to the White House today, urging President Obama and his advisers to answer the growing list of questions about the 9/11 attack in Benghazi, Libya, which lawmakers have posed in writing to his administration over the last month. Senators John McCain (R-Ariz.), Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.), and Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), the authors of the letter, explain to the president:
The American people deserve to know all the facts surrounding the terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, 2012, that resulted in the murder of four Americans—including Ambassador Chris Stevens. Unfortunately, you and your senior administration officials have not been forthcoming in providing answers to the many questions that have emerged.On October 9, 2012, we sent a letter to the senior intelligence officials in your administration in an effort to obtain answers to these questions. More than three weeks have passed, and we still have not received a response. To make matters worse, since that original letter, we sent several subsequent letters to you or to your senior administration officials asking a number of questions, and we have failed to receive a single letter in response.The American people and their representatives in Congress need to understand what you knew about the Benghazi terrorist attack and when you knew it. We also have a right to know what steps you and your administration took—or failed to take—before, during, and after the terrorist attack to protect American lives….
Krauthammer: Bloomberg Blows Off Obama and New Jersey
usactionnewsdotcom - Rebuffing Obama's campaign storm efforts, Mayor "Nanny" Bloomberg tells Obama to just go to New Jersey. Will Bloomberg lift the ban on sugary sodas in this emergency? The storm shows how petty the leftist micro-managing of life is in the face of real world events.
50 Things Liberals Love to Hate By Gallagher, Mike (Google Affiliate Ad)
Stupid Liberals By Gregory, Leland (Google Affiliate Ad)
Celebutards: Hollywood Hacks, Limousine Liberals, Pandering Politicians Who Are Destroying America! (Google Affiliate Ad)How the Left Was Won: An In-Depth Analysis of the Tools and Methodologies Used by Liberals to Undermine Society and Disrupt the Social Order (Google Affiliate Ad)
We're All Going To Starve ... J. D. Longstreet
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
You may have seen this a few days ago:
"UN warns of looming worldwide food crisis in 2013
• Global grain reserves hit critically low levels
• Extreme weather means climate 'is no longer reliable'
• Rising food prices threaten disaster and unrest
If this comes as news to you -- then you have not been paying attention.
See, a number of us from the "conservative commentariat" have been warning of just such dangers for years now.
Just so we are clear -- I don't buy the UN's global warming/climate change excuse. Weather is what weather IS -- period. The earth has periods that are great growing seasons and we have some periods that are lousy growing seasons -- and -- since man first set foot on "Terra Firma," there have been periods of famine and starvation. World overpopulation had nothing to do with it then, either.
The warning that earth will be struck by famine next year blames low grain reserves as one of the contributing factors. I can't argue with that.
Question: Is the US the only country to burn their grain in their automobiles and trucks? Hum. Just wondering.
Conservative commentators have been warning for years now that this day would come -- and if we didn't stop burning our food we were going to find ourselves with empty pantries and empty bellies. It would appear, if the UN (that paragon of virtue) is to be believed, that day has all but arrived.
If the next President of the US really wants to do something useful for the American citizens -- and the world-- he will, somehow, see that we stop producing ethanol and commit our farmland to, once again, growing food for America and the world.
The whole ethanol thing is the height of stupidity. It's just wrong on so many levels.
First and foremost, we are burning our food supplies, corn, especially! Second we are damaging our automobiles by burning that "white lightening"/"moonshine" as fuel. And a car burning ethanol does not, repeat, does not, get as much mileage from a gallon of fuel as ethanol-free gasoline does. That is a FACT.
Here in SENC, where I reside, at least one service station sells ethanol free gas. Motorists drive from miles around to buy it because their cars and trucks get better mileage and they don't have to worry about damage to the engines in those vehicles wrought by the alcohol/ethanol.
Not only has the production of ethanol reduced the amount of available grain on the world market, it has driven the price of the grain that IS available sky high. As a result, we may be on the brink of worldwide food riots.
Haven't you noticed the increase in your grocery bills each week? Practically everything on the shelves and in the freezers of the supermarkets depends, to one degree or another, on corn.
Read the labels on the cans and you will clearly see the corn product included in the contents. As far as meats are concerned -- corn is THEIR food, and after they are slaughtered they are driven to market in vehicles now operated partially on ethanol, a corn product.
The impact of that single product, ethanol, is having a world-wide effect on the human race. It may yet lead to food wars.
It is 100% fixable!
STOP PRODUCING ETHANOL. Knock holes in the ground and begin sucking OUR oil out. Begin processing that oil-laden shale and oil-rich sands and squeeze all the oil we can get out of them. Flood the American market with domestic crude oil -- from our own wells!
Within a short time, America will have enough fuel -- AND FOOD -- to replenish our stores as well as feed the American people -- and we can place the reminder on the world market at prices third-world countries can afford.
Look. This whole thing could have been avoided by not buying into the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind -- global warming, and by common sense planning.
Look. This food (grain) shortage was a forgone conclusion. A fool could have foreseen this grain shortage. You cannot burn your food supplies and not expect to run out of food at some point in the future.
Please don't harangue me with claims of an unreliable climate. The climate has always been unreliable. Ask any farmer. They have known for millenia. They PLAN for it.
Good leadership and good planning could have avoided all this. Unfortunately, the US -- and yes (for the most part) -- the remainder of the world is not currently blessed with either.
What we have here, ultimately, is a hoax that has come back to bite us in the butt. Planning for global warming, which does not exist, was the catalyst for the creation of ethanol in the first place.
I must tell you, it sort of makes me wonder if the "environuts," who believe the earth is overpopulated and that man is the root of all evil done to "mother earth"(Gaia), were aware at the formulation of the food burning plans that it would result in world-wide starvation. Starving the planet's occupants will most certainly reduce the earth's payload of humans and save the earth from said creatures.
Sounds crazy, doesn't it? .
Look. I'm a country boy. My family and I will eat, rest assured of that. My concern is that we country folk may be forced to take up arms to defend our food supplies from the threat produced by the flood of starving city dwellers who will inevitably invade the countryside in search of food. Fueled by hunger they will be determined to take what they need from those just as determined to stop them.
Sounds like bad science fiction, eh? Problem is -- it ain't fiction.
There are two articles I'd like to recommend to you. They are:
"UN warns of looming worldwide food crisis in 2013" at:
-- and --
"Food Scarcity: A Ticking Time Bomb" at:
In less than a week Americans will go to the polls to choose the next President of the US for the next four to eight years. May I be so bold as to suggest that every voter consider just how important it is, not only for America, but for the entire world, that we choose wisely?
I would be less than responsible if I did not point out that the current US Presidential Administration consists of disciples of the type of planning that has led us to the doorstep of worldwide starvation.
Americans should vote as if their life depended upon it -- for ultimately -- it does.
© J. D. Longstreet
Tuesday, October 30
U.N. Agenda 21, Sustainable Development - Revealed on Bret Baier’s Behind Obama’s Green Agenda
by Mark A. Cohen
I thought you might want to read about something other than the U.S. presidential election, but next week you might not be so lucky!
When you hear about the United Nation’s Agenda 21, please listen. It’s a concept which sprouted with the rise of the green movement on Earth Day I (April 22, 1970). The simple, altruistic, and harmless idea asked how we should best care for our environment and embrace mother earth. We all buy into this, but, as humans tend to do, many of us over-analyzed and distorted the original intent. Now there are over 20 years of U.N. and other documentation (available on the Internet) on how to mold the planet and push people around to fit an environmental utopian fantasy. With the assumption that global warming is caused by nasty humans, the thought is to herd people into cities (called settlements by the master planners), and slowly strip their property rights away. Set up a system of high-speed rails and eliminate automobiles. Reduce mans’ carbon footprint by decreasing the human population (but, how?)! Tear down the developed nations’ wealth (likely some of this belongs to you, my reader) and re-distribute it to poorer nations. The proponents want to educate students in the public schools to align future generations with awareness of what they call sustainability. My father said once that Communism in America would be possible if we only would “educate the masses.” Anything is possible, I suppose, when people either don’t think for themselves, or they are brainwashed.
If you don’t believe me, please Google the phenomenon yourself. Don’t use quotes and do include your town, state, the numbers 2020 and 2035, RTP/SCS, and the word sustainability. An example might be: 2035 2020 sustainability plan RTP/SCS Long Island, NY. You’re looking for what they call sustainability plans, a general plan or strategy for the future of your area, sustainable communities, or a transportation or rail plan. If nothing appears in the results, substitute the names of several large cities in your state, instead of your town. You will be amazed! Investigate. Read the plan. Follow the links. Warning: You might be busy for a very long time.
FOX News, the only station capable of producing an honest report on this subject, did so recently. Bret Baier, a news correspondent, hosted such a show, called Behind Obama’s Green Agenda. And, there’s a book I’ve already written about called Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, by Rosa Koire, so the broadcast caught my eye. Baier’s show, already on You Tube, was only broadcast a scant number of times, but you should know about it. (The segment I refer to in the link I provided above begins around the 21st minute (21:22), so slide the bar to the right to match this time.) It reveals one college education program which sought to alienate students from American culture, defining racism as only possible by whites. This curriculum taught that our society is based upon white supremacy. My concern, and that of others, is that this has nothing to do with the environment – as originally intended. It is, instead, a political, Marxist agenda, being taught under the guise of open-mindedness. Although this course terminated due to protests, other universities may be incorporating efforts which push political agendas like it.
Feel free to write in (comment on this blog post) and let me know what you think, and what you find out! Please do not comment without Googling…
Some other links to try:
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #1, 2/28/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #2, 3/27/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #3, 4/17/12
From the Left to the Right - Agenda 21 Post #4, 7/10/12
Maggie’s Agenda 21 Page + Links
The U.N.’s Educational Building Blocks
The U.N.’s Education Plan for Sustainable Development
Long Island’s Plan for Sustainable Development
Obamacare explained in one long sentence
Jon Stewart finds intolerance at the DNC
Scroll down: Rosa Koire explains Agenda 21
Agenda 21 as explained by Karen Schoen
Obama’s America 2016 – Love Him Hate Him – You Don’t Know Him
BLOG ROLL (Political):
BLOG ROLL (Open Source Hacking):
BLOG ROLL (Writers):
Keywords: Conservatism, Conservative blog, Mark A. Cohen, From The Left to the Right, Agenda 21, Sustainability, United Nations, Green Agenda, Environmentalist, Bret Baier, Behind the Green, Browns, Cleveland, Buckeyes, Ohio state, buckeye nation, Cavs, Cavaliers, Bengals, Cincinnati, Blue Jackets, Toledo Rockets, Cincinnati Reds, Columbus, Dayton, Canton, Toledo, Akron
Keywords: "Conservatism", "Conservative blog", "Mark A. Cohen", "From The Left to the Right", “Red Eye”, “Agenda 21”, “Sustainability”, “United Nations”, “Green Agenda”, “Environmentalist”, “Bret Baier”, “Behind the Green”, Browns”, “Cleveland”, “Buckeyes”, “Ohio state”, “buckeye nation”, “Cavs”, “Cavaliers”, “Bengals”, “Cincinnati”, “Blue Jackets”, “Toledo Rockets”, “Cincinnati Reds”, “Columbus”, “Dayton”, “Canton”, “Toledo”, “Akron”
Mark A. Cohen is currently seeking representation for his memoir, From The Left to the Right.
Mark A. Cohen is a member of and helps run the Parker Writers Group
Mark A. Cohen is a member of the Castle Rock Writers
Mark A. Cohen currently sits on the committee which hosted the Castle Rock Writers Conference on October 13, 2012. He is currently their Vice-Treasurer. The group, whose motto is Rock Solid Writing, is seeking their 501c3, and will convene to plan the 2013 conference soon.
Mark A. Cohen spoke for about 20 minutes at the Coffee4Conservatives meeting at the Firehouse on State Road 83, in Franktown, CO, on Oct. 21, 2012.
Mark A. Cohen spoke for about 30 minutes at the Douglas County Republicans’ First Friday Breakfast in Parker, CO, held at The War Horse Inn, on Dec. 2, 2011.
Click on the logo below to get to the main CBC site:
From the Left to the Right - Follow this link to Facebook
Looks like a draw on early voting (Ed Morrissey/Hot Air)
Politico: Looks like a draw on early voting — Sometimes it's worth revisiting a story just to look at the media treatment it receives. After more than a month of media narratives about the advantage Democrats are getting in the early vote, Gallup's poll from yesterday (analyzed by Guy in the Green Room) …
"Lack Of Leadership" - Coming Clean On Libya - Obama Admin Won't Answer ...
"Lack Of Leadership" - Coming Lean On Libya - Obama Admin Won't Answer Tough Question
Benghazi Libya Media Cover Up!
Nobama button (Google Affiliate Ad)
Oh, No! Obama! 2013 Calendar By Andrews Mcmeel Publishing, Llc (COR) (Google Affiliate Ad)
Zombie Rants or Zombies & Rants: Zombies for Obama
Told in so many words I take Obama and the subject of BenghaziGate way too seriously - let's just take care of that right this minute with a few zombie lite snippits from correspondence on my doorstep yesterday. One mightuh thunk Halloween came two days early this year!
Is there an island somewhere we can all move to? I've been at red alert/danger Will Robinson for months now.
Interesting times we live in. The deception is off the scales. Geez.
Tags: War On America; NoObama; Zombies; BenghaziGate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Not Presidential material: Obama AWOL on 9/11/2012, present for Sandy?
This is an epic fail and it is all about votes. Nothing more, nothing less. Where was Obama when Benghazi was happening? In bed, that is where he was and probably alone. Who would want to be with him after turning his back on Americans like he did on 9/11/2012?
Perhaps Clinton, Rice, Powers, Jarrett?
What if a couple of those four individuals who died in Benghazi had been Black??
That is so racist of me but just had to toss this into the fray.
How can anyone vote for this loser, liar and hater of America and Americans?
Sandy VS. Benghazi – The Situation Room
By Sundancecracker
10/29 Hurricane Sandy
President Barack Obama receives an update on the ongoing response to Hurricane Sandy, in the Situation Room of the White House, Oct. 29 (Photo by Pete Souza)
9/11 Libya, Benghazi Attack
President Barack Obama receives an update on the ongoing response to the terrorist Attacks in Benghazi Libya, in the Situation Room of the White House, Sept. 11 (Photo by Pete Souza)
Any Questions?
From The Last Refuge.
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When Special Ops Turn On You
via HillBuzz – “When your special ops turn on you, you are no longer a worthy Commander in Chief. Period.”
Tags:BenghaziGate; NOObama; War On America TAGS HERE To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Does Obama Have the Stronger Ground Game in Ohio?
Last week National Review reported some rather unsettling campaign numbers out of Ohio:
Obama has 120 campaign offices in the state, while Romney has 40. The Obama campaign has spent $52 million on advertising in Ohio, while the Romney campaign has spent $30 million (as of October 5). However, the Republican National Committee has spent $4.4 million to the DNC’s zero, and there have been $15.3 million in ads from right-leaning outside groups and super PACs against $11.6 million from left-leaning outside groups.Looking at these raw numbers, it would appear that the Romney campaign is operating a lean Ohio operation in the face of a towering Obama opposition, but it’s not quite that simple... Keep Reading
Ohio State Buckeyes Pennant (Google Affiliate Ad)
Riddell Ohio State Buckeyes Collectible Replica Helmet (Google Affiliate Ad)
Democrats and Obama Exploiting Children In New Video
by Whateverhappentocomm
Monday, October 29
Romney Endorsed by Chicago Daily Herald
Q: When is it time for Obama supporters to panic?
A: When the largest daily newspaper in Chicago endorses… Mitt Romney.
Choice of quotes via Breitbart.
In endorsing Illinois’ favorite son in 2008, we declared Obama “has a chance to be a great president.” We said, “He offers a new kind of politics. A politics that breaks down the old partisan walls. A politics that strives to bring people together. A politics of hope.”…
But four years later, where is the hope? Where is the confident swagger and leadership to uplift the nation’s mood?…
[W]e endorse Romney because he, unlike Obama, understands that jobs are a creation of business, not of government. And that to encourage job growth, we need policies that incent business to grow and provide it with a stable environment for that growth.
In the end, we need moderation, not ideology, to facilitate an economic recovery. It is the central issue that affects us all.
As the voice of the suburbs, we always have embraced this free enterprise philosophy as a bedrock of our principles. We view ourselves as independent, fiscally conservative, socially progressive, an advocate always for individual liberty. The Mitt Romney who governed Massachusetts governed it for the most part on those core beliefs as well….
Mitt Romney for president.
Gasp! Leftist Rag Mother Jones Releases Tape Of Ann Romney Saying America Needs A “Grown-Up” Who Understands The Economy…
Lib meltdown alert raised to DEFCON 1 Tingles will no doubt hear his “dog whistle” going off. Via The Hill: Ann Romney earlier this year at a private fundraiser described Mitt Romney as the “grown-up” the country needs to repair the economy and prevent an economic collapse in the style of Greece. “You know — [...]
Anderson Cooper Moving To Fox News?
Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show "Anderson Live" is being cancelled at the conclusion of its second season ending in 2013.
Hollywood Reporter
Telepictures, the syndicated arm of Warner Bros. studio, announced Monday that it will not be renewing Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show, Anderson Live, for a third season. A result of continued soft ratings, despite a rebrand at its recent sophomore launch, the decision was first reported by The New York Times. The series will continue to air through summer 2013...
It's being rumored that Cooper's six viewers, in an epiphany of personal introspective reflection, are considering moving their viewing to the Fox News Channel. This is yet to be confirmed however, since sources close to the show refuse to be quoted for the record.
Cooper is also rumored to be updating his resume in preparation for sending it along to Roger Ailes president of Fox News Channel, and chairman of the Fox Television Stations Group, with a copy to Rupert Murdoch, Chairman and CEO of global media holding company News Corporation, the world's second-largest media conglomerate, including the Fox News Channel.
Good luck with that, Anderson.
Poll Shows Drastic Shift In Party Affiliation Among US Voters Since 2008...
Megyn Kelly - Democrat Vs Republican
We The Sheeple
My purpose here is to keep the idea out there praying to God that it pushes enough people to demand answers because thus far all we are getting is BS! We have plenty of hard facts of what happened in Benghazi and what happened in the oval office - now we want the truth of why, how deep does this go. What are the facts!?! This is OUR country and not only do we have a right to know, our very survival may well depend on knowing.
We are a lost nation when We The People become We The Sheeple. The Sheeple will let the Benghazi story be swept under a rug. We must not let that happen...
Benghazi: No Other Explanation Fits via Canada Free Press - Erik Rush
Excerpt - "I believe that President Obama not only knew of that peril, but knew beforehand that the embassy would be attacked, because he facilitated the attack himself. After the contempt of Congress vote went against Attorney General Eric Holder in June, I believe that Obama determined that the Libya operation had become too much of a risk, and took steps to “make it go away.” A Mideast “Fast and Furious” emerging within weeks of the election would be devastating. I believe that Obama coordinated the assault through his connections with local jihadists, and that Stevens was the primary target. Obama cleared the way for the assailants via his inaction and interference, intending to cloak their mission within those of “outraged protestors” in the region."
Tags: #BenghaziGate; War On America; NoObama To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
"The Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier".
Tags: Tomb of the Unknown Soldier; We The People; Military To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
Sacrificing American lives: Obama ONLY cares about what he personally finds valuable
Obama received that dreaded phone call at 3:00 AM and he did NOTHING. He went to bed and the the next morning jetted off to Las Vegas for a fund raiser. Obama is not a leader and he lacks the courage, guts to make a call to save American lives.He cannot even lead from behind as he proved when we supposedly took the' lead' behind Europistan in overthrowing Gaddafi. We should not have ever gotten involved with Libya.
Benghazigate has forced me to do something I rarely do and that is take a break from PC for a day
(yesterday) because Benghazigate has me so upset and rattled. The LSM, especially PMSNBC, CBS and ABC are refusing to report much on Benghazigate and not too hard to know where that order is coming from.
First part of the next feed is from Canada Free Press.
At the end of the feed there will two links about Ty Woods who asked Where the F--K is Spectre and one more about a warning that some of us voiced concern over one year ago on September 7th, 2011 about weapons loss in Libya and falling into the wrong hands. PatriotUSA
Benghazi, Libya—Biopsy From a Malignant, Failed Presidency
By Kelly O ConnellWhatever happened to Barack the world’s smartest leader and incomparable statesman? Those days are gone forever. Instead, it would be impossible to catalog the staggering list of ill-advised, mistaken, foolish, naive and utterly inane decisions by Obama and his administration. So, instead—let us use a single Obama catastrophe, the events of Libya—to critique and symbolize his failed tenure. This is reasonable because every bad Barack habit and evil instinct is represented in this new American disaster.
In the November 2012 presidential election, America is given an opportunity almost no other country suffering under tyranny is offered—the chance to wake-up and toss out a despot before he fatally damages our noble Republic. Let us pray Americans will cast aside sentimentality and act as true patriots and save America from a crafty and utterly immoral, power-mad demagogue. For if Libya is not a wake up call for the average American, we may not be able to stop the implosion. But we must believe we can halt the rot if we act now.
Read the rest here.
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Benghazigate: What Are They Covering-Up? ... J. D. Longstreet
A Commentary by J. D. Longstreet
(Editor's note: YES! I am adding the suffix "- gate" to the word Benghazi. If Obama was a Republican, this incident would have been referred to as "Benghazigate" weeks ago! Now, it is! ... JDL)
Four Americans are dead and the American people are being lied to as to how and why they got that way.
Either the President is lying - and needs to be impeached, or he's NOT lying -- and needs to be impeached -- because he DIDN'T know what was happening!
Repeat: Four Americans are DEAD. And as much as it pains me to say it -- it doesn't look as if our government made a genuine effort to save them.
I have watched, listened, and read as much as we have been allowed to know -- plus -- information gleaned by non-mainstream media sources, and I have concluded there is a major cover-up at the top levels of the US government over the incident in Benghazi.
Now, let me be clear: I am not an investigative reporter. That is not what I do. I am a commentator -- an opinion writer ... nothing more. I have deliberately "hung back" on any in-depth comments on the Benghazi affair simply because there always seemed to me to be more THERE there. In other words, it was obvious, at least to me, that we were only getting drips and drabs of what really happened and, I felt (and still do) that we have been told nothing of WHY it happened. But, dear reader, even Helen Keller could see there is a major cover-up surrounding the incident in Benghazi!
That CIA "safe-house" has troubled me from the very beginning of this horrible story. What was the CIA doing there? There was no embassy in Benghazi. In fact, the building attacked was not even a consulate. If anything, it was a "mission." Had it been an embassy, I'd not question a CIA presence. They are practically a part of the furniture in any US Embassy. But, as I said, this was NOT an embassy.
Remember too, the last person our ambassador met with the evening of the attack was a Turkish diplomat. What was a Turkish diplomat doing in Benghazi, Libya, meeting with Ambassador Stevens at an unprotected site. Why not meet in the embassy in Tripoli?
It now seems that the ex-SEALS were not attached to the consulate, but were assigned to the CIA "safe-house." They (laudably) went against orders and made a rescue attempt of the US officials and staff at the consulate -- and lost their lives in the attempt.
There is now a fog of misinformation spewed up and out by the Obama Administration in what -- in my opinion -- is an attempt to cover-up an on-going scheme/operation to smuggle weapons into Syria through Turkey.
A few weeks ago, there was a report that Libyan militia members had been ordered to turn-in the weapons that had been supplied them in their struggle to overthrow Qaddafi. That report confirmed that many of those weapons had been turned in. Where did those weapons go? Perhaps, to the Syrian rebels?
It has been suspected for some time now that the US has been supplying small arms to the rebels in Syria for a while -- even though the Obama Administration denies it.
It is the kind of operation the CIA would be up-to-their-necks in and it would explain their presence on the ground in Libya in a safe-house a mile away from the consulate/mission.
For the sake of argument, suppose the guns gathered from the Libyan militia were being covertly sent to Turkey and then smuggled across the Turkey/Syrian border to the Syrian rebels.
I continue to cycle back to the question -- why was the Ambassador THERE , alone, without a security detail, at that particular time, meeting with a high Turkish diplomat. Remember, this was on September 11th. If there was going to be an attack by terrorists -- September 11th would be the day for it.
Now, I'm just hypothesizing here. I have no idea, at this point, what was really going on. But, I have confidence in my opinion that there was a covert operation underway -- one so black that sacrificing the lives of four Americans was deemed "worth it" by our leaders in Washington.
For whatever reason, the Obama Administration has chosen to tell the world a bald-faced lie about what happened in Benghazi.
So politicians lie, right? Yeah, they do. But this time -- four Americans are dead and the country wants to know why that happened and why the Obama Administration chose to lie to us about it.
It is clear now, that all the warnings from the political right about the penchant of this President and his administration for lies was absolutely correct. If they are lying about the "Incident in Benghazi," what else are they lying about?
Americans have a week to decide if they trust Obama enough to vote for him to lead the country for another four years. It is clear the Mainstream Media is NOT going to cover this story. They are NOT going to investigate what happened for fear that it will drive down support for Obama at the polls. They seem to have taken the attitude: the truth, the welfare of the country, be damned. Getting their man, Obama, reelected is the most important thing, bar none.
Look. The cover-up of "Benghazigate" is far more important that Watergate ever was!
We need a "Congressional Investigation" of the incident at Benghazi and we need it post haste! I understand there is no way that is possible before election day, but -- if ever an incident deserved investigating by the Congress, this horrible event in Benghazi is it. It is looking more and more as if grounds for impeachment proceedings are present.
Yes, if only Obama was a Republican, there would be no need for commentators to beg the Congress to investigate -- or -- for commentators to opine at the reluctance of the MsM to investigate.
It is what it is. The Mainstream Media in America is an organ of the political left -- as is President Obama. There is simply no way we are going to get anything approaching impartial reporting or a REAL investigation of Benghazigate from the MsM.
It behooves every voter to weigh what little we know about Benghazigate and decide if we want to have Obama continue to lead this country after January 20th, 2013.
For me, it is not just a matter of trust, it is a matter of honor -- NATIONAL HONOR.
America deserves better than we have gotten, or, are likely to get from Obama.
As you enter the voting booth ask yourself, what else has Obama lied to you about. What else is Obama lying to you about today? Then for the sake of our country -- do what's right.
J. D. Longstreet
Sunday, October 28
Update: Reliable model Puts Romney as President

(NewAmerican) The forecast of the 2012 presidential election by Michael Berry and Kenneth Bicker, political science professors at the University of Colorado, that was released in August has been updated with more current economic information, and the result is the same: a Romney win as the economy continues to falter. It takes 270 Electoral College votes to win the presidency, and Berry and Bicker are projecting that Governor Mitt Romney will win 330 of the 538 votes up for grabs in November, while President Obama will receive just 208, down from the 213 they predicted in August. It’s the economy. The model developed by the two professors has an uncanny track record, correctly predicting each presidential election since 1980, often with startling accuracy. In their paper originally published in August by the American Political Science Association [APSA] along with 12 other studies, it differed in its predictive “model” by looking at two essential pieces of the economic puzzle: changes in real per capita income — that is, net, after-tax, spendable income — and unemployment rates. But their model doesn't just rely on the national numbers provided by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which has been heavily criticized recently for its inexplicable drop in the unemployment rate while real jobs in the economy aren't even reaching maintenance levels. It relies also on state-by-state analyses of those same factors, which appear to be more reliable. As the professors note: In contrast to these other Electoral College models [published by the APSA], our model includes measures of change in real per capita income, as well as national and state unemployment figures. Accounting for both changes in personal income and unemployment provides a more robust approximation of state economic well-being and, thus, serves to model the impact of retrospective evaluations of the incumbent party's stewardship of the economy… The data incorporated in our model are regularly released by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) in the US Department of Commerce and the Bureau of Labor Statistics in the US Department of Labor. This gives us high-quality, predictably available data to use as the feedstock for our model. This is how politically correct political science professors cover themselves: just in case the national data get a little dicey, the numbers from the states are more predictive: The heart of our forecast centers on the third set of independent variables. We use two basic measures of economic conditions: unemployment levels and change in real income per capita. Unemployment is measured in two capacities. First is the national unemployment rate. The second is the corresponding unemployment rate in each state… Our third measure of economic well-being taps the extent to which people have more or less real disposable income at their discretion during the current incumbent's presidential term. The measure included in our model is the percentage change in each state in real per capita non-farm income from the fourth quarter of the prior presidential election year to the first quarter of the current election year. The unstated but important underlying assumption by the professors is almost an iron law of politics: People will vote their pocketbooks. People are hurting, and that’s hurting Obama....
Fate of the free world may well rest in your hands!
- Mark Steyn - "In those first moments of the attack, a request for military back-up was made by U.S. staff on the ground but was denied by Washington. It had planes and Special Forces less than 500 miles away in southern Italy – or about the same distance as Washington to Boston. They could have been there in less than two hours. Yet the commander-in-chief declined to give the order. So Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods fought all night against overwhelming odds, and died on a rooftop in a benighted jihadist hell hole while Obama retired early to rest up before his big Vegas campaign stop."

Tags: War On America; NoObama; BenghaziGate To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!
If Obama Cant Protect 4 Americans, He Cant Protect a Country

Hillary Clinton said that Obama would fail the 3AM phone call if he became president. Voters were warned and ignored Clintons plea. Now, we have 4 dead Americans because voters decided to elect an inexperienced politician. I blame those idiot voters who put a poser in the oval office. Critics are saying that there was a cover-up. If there was a cover-up, it was used to hide the inadequacies of an inexperience president. In reality, Obama is incompetent to serve as a commander-in-chief. If Obama is unable to protect 4 Americans, what makes you think he can protect a country?
(FoxNews) President Obama declined to answer directly whether a CIA annex was denied urgent requests for military assistance during the deadly attacks last month on U.S. outposts in Libya. The president did not give a yes-or-no answer Friday when asked pointedly whether the Americans under attack in Benghazi, Libya, were denied requests for help during the attack. Fox News has also learned that a request from the CIA annex for backup was later denied.
BOOM! Senator Portman: We Need to Find Out If Obama Ever Issued the Order to Secure Benghazi Consulate …(There was no order)
On Friday Barack Obama told Denver’s WUSA TV that on 9-11 he gave the directives to “make sure that we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to” to ensure their safety in Benghazi.
Late on Friday former Assistant Defense Secretary Bing West told FOX News that if the directive was made to secure our personnel there would be a paper trail.
Today Ohio Senator Rob Portman told the FOX News Sunday that we need to find out if this order was ever issued.
Whoever the ‘they’ are that nurtured and shielded the nascent Barack Hussein Obama on his meteoric rise to Marxist prominence, which included the sequestration of all of MaoBama’s personal records from his questionable birth records, right through to his relatively meteoric rise from the streets of Chicago as a lowly ‘community organizer’ and shyster for the thankfully now discredited ACORN organisation are, in my opinion, the same ones who have directed the media’s fabrication of a Barack Hussein Obama who does not now, nor ever did, exist.
Obama’s ‘handlers’, whether George Soros, or some shadowy group including radical Islamists, which is something I strongly believe to be true, have put effort and money into the creation of the mythical MaoBama that is mind bending. Keeping in mind that it never takes much to set the dogs of the leftist press baying at the moon for one manufactured reason or another. I’ve never seen anything to compare to the absolute hysterical pitch that the LSM has gone through to shelter MaoBama from his own idiocy. I don’t think our Barry Hussein ever had a thought that didn’t come from Marx, Engels or “Rules For Radicals”… much less an original one.
Most of us learn very early in childhood that lying doesn’t pay and that if persisted upon, brings very negative results. There are some people who become very good at it, however, and make it a way of life. Ignoring the more obvious negative aspects of such behavior becomes second nature to these people. They are what are known as sociopathic liars. Usually glib and superficially charming, they are perforce constantly reinventing themselves to accommodate the story lines that they have created. The Lame Stream Media, et al, never loathe to bend the truth to suit their leftist agenda, have had to go to heretofore unheard of extremes in order to sustain the myth which is Barack Hussein Obama.
This is truly a man in an empty suit. I wrote some time ago that the problem Obama has is that there is no ‘there’ there. He’s a hard left ideologue with delusions of grandeur. The annals of history describe such people… unstable, volatile and extremely dangerous.
It could be fairly argued that the LSM is responsible for Barack Hussein’s fall from grace. They aided and abetted the creation of the fantasy world in which Obama and his DeMarxists reside. It’s the collapse of that house of cards that we are witnessing now. In any sane world Obama should be facing a political defeat of epic proportions. He is far more dangerous with defeat looming over him than at any time before. His party has no scruples whatever… ditto the slavering, pandering, ideologues of the Lame Stream Press.
There are a bare eight days until the 2012 Presidential elections…that’s eight days for us, you and I, to double down and intensify our efforts to ensure that Barack Hussein Obama’s political demise is indeed historic!
Semper Vigilans, Semper Fidelis
© Skip MacLure 2012
Obama did not care: Pat Caddell, a Democrat who puts country above Obama getting another term
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Saturday, October 27
Cowardly Obama sacks top commanders after Benghazigate
The commanders wanted to go in and save American lives in Benghazi and Obama REFUSED
The POTUS is a cowardly, islamosympathzing, AMERICA hating eunich.
How can anyone vote for such a hater of Americans and American exceptionalism? PatriotUSA
Obama Administration Replaces Top Generals Following Benghazi Disaster
By Jim Hoft
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General Carter Ham |
The latest rumor making the rounds is that Barack Obama replaced General Carter Ham at Africom after the general made a move to help the US security officials at the Benghazi consulate and annex. Ham was replaced by Gen. David Rodriquez on October 18.
Tiger Droppings reported:
The information I heard today was that General [Carter] Ham as head of Africom received the same e-mails the White House received requesting help/support as the attack was taking place. General Ham immediately had a rapid response unit ready and communicated to the Pentagon that he had a unit ready.
General Ham then received the order to stand down. His response was to screw it, he was going to help anyhow. Within 30 seconds to a minute after making the move to respond, his second in command apprehended General Ham and told him that he was now relieved of his command.
The story continues that now General Rodiguez would take General Ham’s place as the head of Africom.
Sure enough Obama nominated Gen. David Rodriguez to replace Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command. The Stars and Stripes reported:
President Barack Obama will nominate Army Gen. David Rodriguez to succeed Gen. Carter Ham as commander of U.S. Africa Command and Marine Lt. Gen. John Paxton to succeed Gen. Joseph Dunford as assistant commandant of the Marine Corps, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced Thursday.
Both appointments must be confirmed by the Senate.
Rodriguez is the commander of U.S. Army Forces Command and has served in a “variety of key leadership roles on the battlefield,” Panetta said.
He’s “a proven leader” who oversaw coalition and Afghan forces during the surge in Afghanistan, and “was the key architect of the successful campaign plan that we are now implementing,” Panetta said.
In announcing Ham’s successor, Panetta also praised the work Ham has done with Africa Command.
“Gen. Ham has really brought AFRICOM into a very pivotal role in that challenging region,” Panetta said. “I and the nation are deeply grateful for his outstanding service.”
Hat Tip Tom
More… The Obama Administration also relieved the admiral in command of an aircraft carrier strike group in the Middle East, Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette. It is highly unusual for the Navy to replace a carrier strike group commander during its deployment.
The Stars and Stripes reported:
The Navy said Saturday it is replacing the admiral in command of an aircraft carrier strike group in the Middle East, pending the outcome of an internal investigation into undisclosed allegations of inappropriate judgment.
Rear Adm. Charles M. Gaouette is being sent back to the USS John C. Stennis’ home port at Bremerton, Wash., in what the Navy called a temporary reassignment. The Navy said he is not formally relieved of his command of the Stennis strike group but will be replaced by Rear Adm. Troy M. Shoemaker, who will assume command until the investigation is completed.
It is highly unusual for the Navy to replace a carrier strike group commander during its deployment.
Ace of Spades says the move to replace Rear Adm. Charles Baouette is likely not related to Benghazi.
Source is here from Gateway Pundit
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Gatling Gun - Obama Wouldn't Use It...GATLING TWEET!
One of the awesome contributors on Patriot's Corner and a very fine person. I am honored to have this person in my life as a very good friend. Blessed is all I can say! PatriotUSA
But that sure as hell doesn't mean we can't use something similar - what I'm going to call the word driven Gatling Tweet!
Tags: NoObama; Treason; War On America; Benghazi To share or post to your site, click on "Post Link". Please mention / link to the Patriot's Corner. Thanks!