Friday, June 28

Democrats Threw Biden Under the Bus


It has been a while since I posted, but this is important. Last night debate between Biden and Trump was cringe worthy. Prior to the debate, I heard Biden getting “juiced “ up; I heard the Biden camp are waving the white flag, I heard Trump will behave and won’t interrupt Biden.

Whatever the case, I firmly believe Biden won’t be replaced. The Biden camp conceded defeat. The Democrats won’t put up another candidate. They will lick their wounds and try again in 2028. Why? If the establishment put a non-black female to replace Biden, America will see the hypocrisy of the Democrat party. If they choose the governor of California over the current vice president, it’s a guarantee disaster. In addition, Michelle Obama has no interest to be president. Her apathy to politics, and the Bidens are well documented. In a recent article, Michelle Obama displayed disgust with Hunter Biden. From being friends with Hunters ex-wife and knowing Hunter dating his late-brothers wife was enough to form an option regarding the Biden family.

It is a travesty to put Biden in that position. Whether Jill Biden refuse to let her husband to step down or the mainstream media unable to sustain the ability to hide Bidens cognitive dysfunction, this was the Democrats way of saying “you won (GOP) and we (Democrats) lose. Well played, Trump“. 

Lastly, the democrat voters will not accept another candidate that is not a woman of color. Doing so will divide the party. Democrats did that and screwed Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders (not saying they are good) and look what happened. They put a black president who hated America and later on, an old man who continued where Obama left off and decimated America.

This insanity must end in November!

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