“Big Boy Press Conference includes VP Trump & President Zelensky
However, we all want a coherent and competent president. The optics are so important because we live in a world where first impression means everything. In the John F. Kennedy vs Nixon debate during the late 1960’s, Nixon won the debate, but JFK won the people heart because he portrayed himself as a young, vibrant, and handsome presidential candidate. Biden didn’t display that at all.
Biden’s NATO summit was dismal. He did somewhat better than the debate, but fell short to convince the American people he’s competent to run another term. Calling Zelensky as President Putin and Trump as VP Harris was enough to turn off the TV. Biden was incoherent. He was reading off a cue card. He had a list of reporters to call on after his speech. Everything was staged and he still messed up. Biden is a puppet gone rogue. Biden wants to start World War III as he wants Ukraine to be a member of NATO, which will anger Russia. However, the deep state, Neo-cons, and the Washington establishment would be pleased because wars brings profit from collateral damage.
This talk about replacing Biden to dropout of the race is nonsense. No cabinet member will invoke the 25 Amendment. No one will convince him to dropout because the establishment done that in 2016 when they told Biden to step aside and let Hillary Clinton ascend as the Democrat Presidential candidate. Biden has been a family man and his closest trusted people are his wife, brother, and his son. To get rid of Biden would be paying off the family very handsomely, or by death of natural/unknown causes. Biden is fearful that his son, Hunter Biden and his brother, Joe Biden will be thrown in jail. Biden fears once he leaves office, the income will dry up. His autobiography will be collecting dusk in the bookstores. Jill Biden will lose the luxury as the First Wife. Bidens purpose is not self-preservation,; instead, it’s all about making as much hush-hush money before leaving office. It’s all about making money, folks!
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