Monday, July 1

SCOTUS 6-3 Decision gave Trump Absolute Immunity

In short, I am not surprise on the ruling. The SCOTUS did the right thing and interpreted the US Constitution correctly.  Everybody from both sides of the political spectrum should be relieved. If the ruling went against Trump, even though retribution is off the table, the possibility of going after Clinton, Obama, and Bush are highly likely to occur. Thus, if you’re a Republican or Democrat, you can sleep soundly. 

So, what will happen to Trump? Probably, nothing will happen. The federal charges will likely be dismissed or may continue. Either case, it will happen after the election and , God’s Devine Will, Trump will be our next president. All the other bogus charges against Trump will likely be dropped too because the DOJ will be under Trumps control. 

Congratulations MAGA!

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