Wednesday, September 11

Post Debate: Kamala Blew It With Independents

 Post Kamala vs Trump Debate and Still Don’t Know How Kamala Will Govern

Don’t listen to the media. Fox News reported being neutral who won the debate. Instead, they offer more criticism on Trump for not destroying Kamala at the debate stage in Philadelphia. All the other networks say Kamala won; even though, the bar was set lower for her before heading into the debate. Thus, just showing up is considered as a win.

You will always have Republicans or Maga supporting Trump and Democrats will always support any Democrat. What matters are the undecided voters, the independent voters. They are the voting block that will give the White House to either candidate. It’s important to note they saw something that the MSM, including FoxNews, didn’t see. It is obvious Kamala only wanted to irritate Trump to show his nature. Even though she somewhat succeeded, she did more harm than good on herself. She still hasn’t explained anything regarding how she will govern. 

Reuters interviewed 10 undecided voters following Tuesday’s debate, with six claiming to be leaning toward or voting for Trump and three claiming they would support Vice President Kamala Harris. Those who switched toward Trump cited the state of the economy in their decision, while four of the six said Harris’ performance at the debate did not show she has different policies than President Joe Biden.

From cutting and pasting Bidens policy as her own  on her website, and her laziness as vice president for 4 years, she has no interest to govern the people. She wanted to accumulate trophies up in the political ladder.  Even Trump said it in the debate that she “puts out” or slept her way to the top as a lowly prosecutor. She was mediocre as a prosecutor and became more radical as attorney general. She stole the candidacy from Biden, who won 14 million votes to be the democrat presidential nominee. She never received a primary vote and now she’s the presidential candidate. She’s opportunistic and being there at the right time doesn’t constitute being qualified as president. 

Now, Kamala wants another debate in October. Democrats claim that they can further chip away Trump supporters; while Republicans are saying that Kamala is desperate because she disappointed the undecided voters with the rhetoric responses at last nights debate. I personally would believe the latter. 

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