Saturday, October 5

Biden Made Sure Kamala Harris Cannot Distance Herself from Him

Biden Revenge to Kamala and the Liberals is now Complete  

While the public perception on Biden as old, frail, and out of touch, he still has feelings and emotions. Being betrayed as an elderly is something one cannot dismiss. It is forever ingrained for eternity. Biden may not have the mental acuity to make an articulate decisions, but he still knows when he is wrongfully duped. 

So, when Biden was asked by reporters about the current state we are in and if he had spoken to the vice president, Biden comment that they are completely in sync and on the same page. By saying the vice president supported and voted for all the bills that become law like the Inflation Reduction Act was not a misquote, but rather, it was intentional. 

The MSM are saying Biden is sabotaging Harris presidential bid. And do you blame Biden? Being forced out, threaten, and humiliated is enough to send anyone to do something desperate. The first big clue was when Biden asked a Trump supporter, during an event, for his MAGA hat. Not only Biden wore it, but he kept it. Biden endorses Trump. Biden wants to be the only one that beat Trump. Biden wants Harris thrown in with the other loser who forced Biden from seeking the 2016 presidential candidate- Hillary Clinton. 

Thus, do you think Biden is sabotaging Harris campaign? YOU BETCHA!

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