Wednesday, January 15

New Evidence that LBJ wanted JFK Killed


Audio Recording that Johnson wanted JFK Killed

For the old timers like myself, it’s important to know who shot JFK.  For the new generation, it is worth your interest to know too. It is a far greater interest than Area 51 or the existence of Bigfoot. Why? It’s because we will have conclusive fact that the US Government is not our friend and will go as far to kill in order to get their way. 

We have already witness the weaponization of the DOJ, IRS, and many other federal agencies going down the throats of citizens, falsely imprisoning, and going as far as committing murder. We seen the government went after Trump by means of indictments, lawsuits, assassinations, and relentless gag orders. The same goes with regular citizens too by warrantless or illegal raids into their homes, imprisonment without due process, and cold blooded murder. You don’t need to go far to realize I’m talking about the J6 rally. 

Now, turn of events came to life from a 1972 audio recording from a close associate of LBJ stating the VP wanted JFK to be killed. Ironically, the person died shortly after the recording; probably knowing his outspoken comment would get him killed. 

I mentioned from prior blogs that I believe it was LBJ who killed JFK; in order to escalate the Vietnam War. LBJ had prior assassins to do his dirty work but never materialized. In fact those would be assassins were killed to keep their silence. Only LBJ would be powerful enough to hid all the evidence that would link to JFK assassination. Thus, LBJ had spread the wealth by employing the CIA, FBI, the mafia, foreign nationals, and couple patsies to do his dirty work. 

Mostly importantly, the government will never side the American people. They will throw couple pieces of crumbs to keep us happy.  The government is corrupted.  This is why the creation of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights are the lay of the land. These documents are to protect us, the citizens, from a tyrannical government. 

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