Friday, October 7

Obama Ironic in Press Conference

At today's propaganda conference (aka press conference) President Obama voiced his support of the Occupy Wall Street movement, which has taken place in New York and other cities for the past couple of weeks.

Obama said, "I think part of people’s frustrations, part of my frustration, was a lot of [lending] practices that should not have been allowed weren’t necessarily against the law, but they had a huge destructive impact.”

The ironic part of this statement is his frustration with lending practices that were not against the law, but were destructive nonetheless.

Considering the current investigation into Solyndra's loan from the federal government, I think the President should keep his mouth shut about lending practices.

The federal government's actions are even more criminal because it used taxpayer money to fund loans to Solyndra, while banks used their own private assets.

What happened in the Solyndra case could not be written in a Hollywood script.

The federal government, under the direction of Barack Obama, loaned $535 million to a company that was partly owned by George Kaiser, who donated more than $50,000 to Obama's 2008 presidential campaign.

Less that two years later, that company filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy and laid off all of its employees.

What happened to that $535 million?

The major topic of today's press conference was the American Jobs Act, a piece of legislation that has bipartisan non-support; Harry Reid admitted he does not have enough votes to pass it.

Once again, Obama executed a theoretical tar-and-feathering of "millionaires and billionaires" and called on them to "pay their fair share."

This $447 billion (yes that's billion with a 'b') plan will be paid in part by a surtax imposed on millionaires and billionaires.

The 5.6% tax will be collected for the next ten years, and I can guarantee you that when the tax is set to expire, Republicans will be criticized for favoring the rich when then refuse to extend it.

The most asinine part of this plan is that the money will be spent in one year, while the tax is levied for ten years.

This would be funny, if it weren't true.

The key to creating more jobs is to realize and accept that the federal government is incapable of creating jobs.

Legislation is not the answer to the unemployment rate. The more we rely on the government to solve our problems the more disappointed we will be.

The linchpin to solving the many problems our country faces is reducing the size of the federal government.

A smaller federal government means a smaller federal budget, which requires less tax revenue, which allows Americans to keep more of their money.

Unfortunately, simple logic never prevails in Washington.

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