[Before we get started in earnest today, we here a the The New Invisible Hand would like to take a moment to thank all of our service men and women. Without whom we would not have the freedoms we cherish including the freedom to speak out on blogs such as this. Thanks and God bless!]
In the latest example of Obama's stunning lack of leadership, his administration has punted any decision on the Keystone oil pipeline until 2013, which is conveniently after the election. This decision, or decision not to make a decision, is troubling for several reasons. Not only is it harmful to our economy and harmful to our energy security, but it displays a profound lack of courage and an easy willingness to put politics ahead of what is best for our country.
Obama has paid a lot of lip service to creating jobs and lowering unemployment. At various time he has promised a "laser focus" on jobs and later tried to sell another massive Keynesian spending plan (See our post on "Stimulus Redux") as a jobs bill. And yet even with all this supposed concern about job creation Obama blithely shelves a "shovel ready" project (yes, we hate that phrase too. But when in Rome...) for several years saying further study is required. This is a project that would have created in the neighborhood of 20,000 jobs. And these would have been good paying jobs, not low end service industry stuff. So much for concern about employment.
Some will say that we must be careful and safe with a project such as this and that therefore more study is warranted. This is an appealing argument to people new to the issue and of course we do need to be careful and safe with projects such as this. The problem is that there have already been YEARS of study, planning and precautions. And no matter how much study there is, those opposed to the project will always argue for more delays, more study and continued inaction. Make no mistake, the goal of those arguing for further study is not to get the project right, it is to make the process so expensive that the project is abandoned. So far, they are winning.
The second profoundly bad impact of this "lack of decision" is the effect it will have on our energy security going forward. This pipeline would have provided a significant amount of oil from a friendly neighbor with a stable government. Now rather than dealing with Canada, we will be even more reliant on oil from the Middle East and if the pipeline is cancelled, it is entirely possible that this oil will be sold to China or other less than friendly nations, not exactly positive for our nation's security. You may also remember the protester chants from the both the first and second gulf wars of "NO BLOOD FOR OIL." By punting on this project, Obama has made it more likely that we will have to trade our soldier's blood for Oil. So long as we are dependant on the Middle East, we will continue to have to protect that supply with our blood and treasure. And that apparently is fine with Obama. He had a chance to reduce that dependence and he chose not to do so.
Finally, just as concerning as the negative impacts of Obama's delay is what this type of politically motivated maneuvering says about our Chief Executive. Had Obama intervened and said the project will not go forward, we would have been outraged but at least we would know where he stands. Instead we get this limp procedural move designed let Obama try to be all things to all people. He will tell the environmentalist loons circling the White House that he stopped the pipeline and he will tell the rest of the country that he is being judicious and thoughtful in insisting on further study. All while having put off making any real decision until after the next election. The truth is Obama has again displayed the troubling lack of leadership that has been a hallmark of his administration. Rather than coming out for or against this project, he has tried to finesse the situation to avoid having to lead. We deserve and should expect more from the leader of the free world. Hopefully we will not have to endure 4 more years of this leadership vacuum.
Thanks for reading. - Hand
Where there is no vision, the people perish.
- Proverbs 29:18
- Proverbs 29:18
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