If your are soliciting bloggers to promote your book, the smart thing to do would be to let them read it for nothing. Not all authors are that smart, but this guy is. He sent an electronic copy embedded with his email.
Here is my review:
This book is freaking great... Emphasis mine
Making it in the Political Blogosphere: The World's Top Political Bloggers Share the Secrets to Success
I am writing to let you know that my book, “Making it in the Political Blogosphere: The World's Top Political Bloggers Share the Secrets to Success,” has just been released by Lutterworth Press. For your information, I have attached an electronic copy of the book.
The book features profiles of and interviews with 20 of world’s top political bloggers. These include (in alphabetical order) Rogers Cadenhead, Steve Clemons, Juan Cole, Cheryl Contee, Tyler Cowen, Kevin Drum, Eric Garris, Nick Gillespie, Taegan Goddard, Jane Hamsher, John Hawkins, Jim Hoft, Arianna Huffington, Thomas Lifson, Andrew Malcolm, Eric Olsen, Heather Parton, Lew Rockwell, Ben Smith, and Mathew Yglesias.
The book focuses on two central questions: what these bloggers have done to become so successful, and what others can do to achieve similar blogging success.
A book such as this one – aimed at political blog readers and writers – can best reach its targeted audience with your help. I hope you will publicize it on your blog and encourage as many of your fellow political bloggers as possible to do the same.
The book is available in paperback and as an ebook from Amazon