Saturday, December 17

Michelle Obama Going on Vacation Ahead of Her Husband

Michelle Obama is glad to get away from her husband. I don't understand why going to Hawaii is a big priority for the First Lady. She can travel whenever she wants. With rumors of her secret affair, I wonder why the First Lady is in a hurry to get there before her husband.

(Washington Post) First lady Michelle Obama and first daughters Sasha and Malia are headed to Hono­lulu on Friday for a 17-day vacation — without the president.
At least for now.
With the White House and Congress embroiled in a standoff over a spending bill and payroll tax cut proposal that could lead to agovernment shutdown Saturday, Obama appears ready to make good on his promise to stay in Washington until the issues are resolved.
In both of his first two years in office, Obama briefly delayed his vacation to remain in Washington while Congress completed its business.
In 2009, Obama waited an extra day to be sure Congress approved his landmark health-care legislation. Last year, Obama joined his family five days late as he shepherded two legislative bills through Capitol Hill, extending tax cuts and repealing a military ban on openly gay service members.
In some ways, perhaps it would be good for the president if he doesn’t head West quite as early as planned. As is always the case with presidential vacations, Obama already is being attacked by opponents for planning to take a 17-day holiday.

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