Friday, December 16

Newt Gingrich "The Unfaithful"

How many of you have lived through the experience of an unfaithful spouse?

If you have you know that a cheater doesn't just tell one little white lie. In order to cover their trail of deceit, they have to become serial black liars. A person who has cheated has told thousands of lies, to their spouse, their friends, their coworkers, their families and to themselves.

If you are among the millions that have suffered the misfortune of being married to this type of person you know what they are. They are the type of people who can look you in the eye and tell you lie after lie, half truth after half truth, and never show even a hint of remorse.

Newt Gingrich is a man who has done this to not just one women, but to two. And at least one of them was deathly ill, if not both of them.

Think about that. Put yourself in their shoes for a moment. Think about being married to someone sorry enough to do that to you.

To the people have been there, or have had family go through this, you know how devastating it is. And you know all too well what kind of a person it takes to do it.

So how could you ever support this man when you have so many running who as Rush, Beck, and Mark Levin says can beat Obama? Any of them can win.

Don't believe what the establishment is trying to convince you of. All of these candidates are electable. It was their stupidity that gave us John McCain.

Don't settle. We are better than that.

Even if you believe Newt Gingrich when he says that he has ask for forgiveness and has become a better person, you should forgive but would be foolish to forget the lies he has told in the past.

I would be willing to forgive Sandusky if he repented, but he still has to be punished. And it would be a cold day in hell before he babysitted my boy. The same with Newt. I can forgive, but I am not about to hand him the levers of power when there are still other choices.

I would as a last resort vote for him over Obama, because they are both liars.

But any of the candidates running are better than Newt Gingrich. Even a hard core RINO like Romney, and a first class nut job like Ron Paul.

At least they have some integrity.

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