Sunday, December 11

Tea Party Waiting For Apology From Glenn Beck

Glenn Beck offended a lot of people with his racism comments about the Tea Party; it is time he apologized.

I really believe that his heart was in the right place, but his brain was taking a leave of absence. I understand that he was trying to shock people into understanding just how liberal and how insider politics Gingrich's record is. I understand that Newt and Romney are too similar to draw a distinct difference. I understand that Newt does not represent the Tea Party platform. I understand all of that Beck, but really?

Gingrich may be ten times worse a pick than Michele Bachmann, but he is a million times better than Omama.

What are you going to do if Gingrich wins? Vote for Obama?

I won't, and that dang sure don't make me a racist.

You need to apologize before you lose all credibility.

The Tea Party is waiting.

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