Monday, December 19

Yes She Cain: Citizens' Movement Endorses Michele Bachmann

Wow, Michele Bachmann just won another key endorsement heading into the Iowa caucus. -- the grassroots supporters of Herman Cain has move into the Bachmann camp.

This is a grassroots victory in itself, that will surely compliment her boots on the ground approach in the final days before the vote.

"After two weeks of reaching out to GOP candidates, and numerous discussions amongst those former Herman Cain supporters who did not join the Newt Gingrich ground game, it came down to the three most conservative candidates currently vying for the presidency of the United States. Rep. Michele Bachmann, Gov. Rick Perry, and former Sen. Rick Santorum took time out of their busy campaign schedules to hold tele-conferences with CitizensMovement and allowed themselves to be interviewed on CM’s blog talk radio show, Underground Hard Drive.

While media and establishment pundits reported that Herman Cain was not running his campaign properly in that he did not concentrate on only the early states, his “unconventional campaign strategy” built up a wide selection of voters all across the country. Now, as we head into the Iowa caucus, just 16 days from now, the majority vote from the straw poll held by CM shows that Rep. Bachmann just gained a major force in the grassroots movement.

Organization is already underway within to bring the voice of America to Washington, D.C. Coupled with our endorsement of Rep. Michele Bachmann for president, CM is also establishing its grassroots efforts in working with conservative congressional candidates all across the country on both the federal and state levels.

CitizensMovement has great respect and admiration for each of the three conservative candidates that showed their willingness to listen to the undecided voices of America. Each of them has shown that the people still matter, that the people still have a voice, and that neither the establishment nor the media will elect our next president.

As we move toward a new year and edge ever closer to the general elections of November 2012, our voices will be louder as we tell all those that have tried to destroy our constitution, ‘your time is up, and our time is now. Congratulations to Rep. Michele Bachmann."


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